
Winterthur presents changing exhibitions that engage visitors and members in new and exciting ways through the presentation of special collections. Included in many of these exhibitions is the production of scholarly catalogues, publications, and other sources of communication (videos, iPod tours, etc.), which are the culmination of the finest research and writing in the American decorative arts world. Exhibitions are excellent opportunities for companies, foundations, and individuals to contribute to Winterthur in a way that directly enhances the lives of those in our community and the region.

kids and a vase on display

Scientific Research and Analysis Laboratory (SRAL)

Winterthur and the University of Delaware jointly fund the Scientific Research and Analysis Laboratory (SRAL) which provides an exceptional environment for scientific education, scholarship, and research focused on the interpretation, analysis, and preservation of our global cultural heritage. The SRAL is one of the best-equipped museum laboratories in the country, housing scientific instrumentation that includes two x-ray fluorescence spectrometers, a scanning electron microscope with x-ray microanalysis capabilities, a Fourier transform infrared microspectrometer, a Raman microspectrometer, and a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. However, urgent fundraising priorities include replacing ageing and obsolete analytical equipment, laboratory benches, and fume hoods.

consultation with conservation scientists


Furniture Forum and Ceramics Conference are the cornerstones of Winterthur’s body of academic programming related to decorative arts and material culture. Over the course of two days, scholars present compelling new research that invites attendees to explore the intricacies of material life in the past.  Considered to be among the leading conferences in their fields, the distinguished scholarship presented draws experts and enthusiasts from across the country. 

For more information, please contact the Winterthur Development Office at 302.888.4673 or contributions@winterthur.org.