Wonders of Nature through Art

Meet Artist-in-Residence Sarah Bourne Rafferty of Atwater Designs and watch her create works of art using cyanotype, the oldest photographic process. Cyanotypes are created by imprinting plants and non-organic elements under sunlight on paper (or other surface) that has been treated with a light sensitive solution. See her most recent creations and marvel at how she turns the beauty of the Winterthur Garden into a permanent new form with the help of the sun. Her work will be available for purchase in the greenhouses.

Sarah’s scheduled residence dates:
Saturday, June 8 | 10 am – 4 pm 
Sunday, June 9 | 2 pm – 4 pm 
Monday, June 10 | closed 
Tuesday, June 11 | 10 am – 4 pm 
Wednesday, June 12 | 10 am – 4 pm 
Thursday, June 13 | 10 am – 4 pm 
Friday, June 14 | 10 am – 4 pm 
Saturday, June 15 | not present this day 
Sunday, June 16 | 10 am – 4 pm 

A prolific local artist, Sarah taught darkroom and digital photography for many years before launching Atwater Designs. Her work has been displayed in galleries around the world and in features or collaborative projects with Town and Country Magazine, Ralph Lauren, and others. Sarah lives locally, where she promotes handcrafted art inspired by the beauty of the Brandywine Valley. After her residency, Sarah will return to demonstrate cyanotype and display her work at our Midsummer event on June 22 and for the Sun, Cyanotype, and Sundial event on August 18.

Drop-in program. Included with admission. Members free.

Purchase tickets.
