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New Library Acquisition: The Appleton Ledger
By George Drake The word “ledger” calls to mind neat columns of…

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Books and Periodicals
In our Collection of Printed Books and Periodicals, you will find more…

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Image Requests – Rights and Reproductions
Digital reproductions of items from the Winterthur Library for study and/or publication…

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Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera
The online book Guide to the Winterthur Library: The Joseph Downs Collection and…

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Explore WinterCat
Access the digital holdings of our library through the Wintercat online catalog.

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Research Guides
Guide to the Downs Collection and Winterthur Archives The online book Guide to…

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Winterthur Library Digital Collection
Explore our online collections of selected images of rare books, trade catalogs, manuscripts, ephemera,…

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The John and Carolyn Grossman Collection
A world-class collection of about 250,000 items, The John and Carolyn Grossman…

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Winterthur Library on the Internet Archive
Explore more than 900 trade catalogs and other resources from Winterthur’s page…

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Library News
These are the most recent issues of Winterthur Library News, our quarterly…

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