About the Artist

Eleanor Ingrid Rose was born in Monterey County, California. She is a queer, craft-based sculpture artist, toolmaker, metalsmith, woodworker, and proud cat mom. Eleanor is one half of the collaborative project Ladies Who Wood, alongside Stacy Motte. Eleanor holds a bachelor of fine arts degree from Pratt Institute and a master of fine arts degree from University of Wisconsin–Madison. She currently teaches sculptural woodworking at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and the occasional class at Workshop of Our Own. When she isn’t teaching or making art, she can usually be found trying to make updated versions of antique tools or spending too much time looking at eBay.  

Social Media: @Off_Artisan

Artist Statement

Reproduction of the iconic H. O. Studley Infill Mallet. All work is done in house including casting, inlay, and woodwork. Metals are a brushed finish to be more historically accurate. The head and handle are designed for quick removal, allowing for easy change out or replacement of the infills. The handle is made of dyed hickory to avoid use of endangered rosewoods. The only alteration is a threaded insert to hold the head together instead of wedged steel and bronze.