Discover the magic of a fairy-tale garden with a visit to Enchanted Woods. Designed to look as though it were created by fairies, this three-acre plot covered by majestic oak trees has several play areas to climb in, on, and over, including a Faerie Cottage with a thatched roof, a giant Bird’s Nest, and an Acorn Tearoom for make-believe tea parties. Enchanted Woods encourages children and their families to engage in imaginative play and creativity.
Each June, you can enjoy an Enchanted Summer Day in Enchanted Woods, our award-winning children’s garden, including crafts, entertainment, and more. Families will also love our Terrific Tuesdays throughout the summer. Enjoy crafts, games, and demonstrations and introduce history, art, conservation, and storytelling to kids ages 3–10 and the adults they bring along.
Explore Enchanted Woods
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