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Garden Collection

The gardens and landscape surrounding the museum are an artistic composition arranged to capture a significant period in the history of American horticulture. This landscape is a significant cultural artifact, and its plants, architecture, and decorative objects are preserved and managed as a collection.

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Showing of 6 results
History of the Garden
Henry Francis du Pont had three lifelong passions: gardening, cattle breeding, and…

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Spring Color in the Garden
Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, our shared reward after…

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Major Plant Groupings
In 1962 an interviewer asked Henry Francis du Pont (1880-1969) to discuss the defining…

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Summer Color in the Garden
Follow us on Instagram @winterthurgarden for frequently updated blooming information. LocationColorTime of…

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Fall Color in the Garden
Foliage color starts in mid to late September with such notable plants…

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Plant Finder
Find Plant Information and location on the Winterthur Estate

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