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    Archives 1: Alfred Craven Harrison
    Archives 2: Archie McLean Hawks
    Archives 3: Gertrude Holmes Hawks
    Archives 4: Salem Howe Wales
    Archives 5: Marian Cruger Coffin Papers
    Archives 6: Francis Broadman Crowninshield
    Archives 7: Chestertown House Corporation Records
    Archives 8: Evelina du Pont
    Archives 9: Edward Howe Wales Papers
    Archives 10: Ruth Wales du Pont Papers
    Archives 11: Henry Francis du Pont Papers, Series 1-5
    Archives 12: Col. Henry Algernon du Pont Papers
    Archives 13: Winterthur Farms Records
    Archives 14: Charles F. Montgomery Papers
    Archives 15: Ruth Wales du Pont Sheet Music Collection
    Archives 16: Edward La Fond Papers
    Archives 17: Richard Tousey Papers
    Archives 18: Col. H.A. du Pont Company
    Archives 19: Victorine Elizabeth Foster du Pont
    Archives 20: Louisa Gerhard Papers
    Archives 21: Louise du Pont Crowninshield Papers
    Archives 22: Henry du Pont Papers
    Archives 23: Frances Elizabeth Johnson Papers
    Archives 24: DuPont Family Papers
    Archives 25: Textile Collection
    Archives 26: Mary Pauline Foster
    Archives 27: Ruth Holmes Hawks Papers
    Archives 28: Henry Francis du Pont Antiques Dealers Papers
    Archives 29: George deForest Lord Papers
    Archives 30: Winterthur Film Collection
    Archives 31: Winterthur Audio Collection
    Archives 32: Pauline Louise Harrison Papers
    Archives 33: Ruth Ellen Lord Papers
    Archives 34: Deeds
    Archives 35: Video Collection
    Archives 36: Oral Histories
    Archives 37: Room Files
    Archives 38: Objects Collection
    Archives 39: Cartographic Drawings
    Archives 40: Pictorial Collection
    Archives 41: Henry Francis du Pont Guest Register
    Archives 42: Henry Francis du Pont Business Addresses
    Archives 43: Henry Francis du Pont United Kingdom Addresses
    Archives 44: Winterthur House Employees
    Archives 45: Henry Francis du Pont Papers, Series 6-11
    Archives 46: Winterthur Museum Collection
    Archives 47: Henry Francis du Pont Daybook
    Archives 48: Henry Francis du Pont Books and Journals


    Collection 1: Stanley B. Ineson Papers
    Collection 2: Taylor Family Collection
    Collection 3: Berlin Woolwork Patterns
    Collection 4: Gershom F. Melchor Papers
    Collection 6: William Frost Mobley Funeral and Mourning Ephemera Collection
    Collection 7: John Haskell Papers
    Collection 8: John H. Bacon Papers
    Collection 13: Riggs Brother Papers
    Collection 14: Hall Slack Papers
    Collection 17: Samuel Williamson Papers
    Collection 19: Nathaniel Cushing Papers
    Collection 20: Northeastern Silversmiths Papers
    Collection 21: George Christian Gebelein Papers
    Collection 22: Parsons Family Papers
    Collection 23: Outten Davis Records
    Collection 25: John Zukowsky Papers
    Collection 28: McNary Family
    Collection 29: Emily P. Bissell Papers
    Collection 30: Bangor Stoneware Co. Records
    Collection 31: Holder White Papers
    Collection 33: Margaret Janvier Hort Papers
    Collection 34: G. Edwin Brumbaugh Papers
    Collection 35: Wilson-Warner-Corbit Family Papers
    Collection 36: Tucker Family Papers
    Collection 37: Mailly Family Papers
    Collection 38: Aspril Family Papers
    Collection 39: Drawyers Presbyterian Church Records
    Collection 40: Kershner Family Papers
    Collection 41: Rose Valley Collection
    Collection 42: Eben Tibbetts Papers
    Collection 43: Frank M. Whiting Co. Records
    Collection 44: Helen Comstock Papers
    Collection 45: Margaret Motter Miller Papers
    Collection 46: World’s Columbian Exposition Collection
    Collection 47: George Crawford Papers
    Collection 48: Henderson-Pownall Family papers
    Collection 49: Samuel Talcott Papers
    Collection 50: Swatch Book Collection
Potters Diary
    Collection 52: Scott & Hutchinson Records
    Collection 53: Gustav Manz Papers
    Collection 54: Auguste Zindel Papers
    Collection 55: Roberts Family Papers
    Collection 56: R.T.H. Halsey Papers
    Collection 57: R.W. Symonds Papers
    Collection 58: Ledlie I. Laughlin Papers
    Collection 59: Russell J. and Eleanor S. Quandt Papers
    Collection 60: Gustav Stickley Business Papers
    Collection 61: Wills, Inventories, and Administration Papers
    Collection 62: Lyon Family Papers
    Collection 63: Percy Edward Raymond Research Papers
    Collection 64: Samuel H. Laidacker Papers
    Collection 65: Alphonso T. Clearwater Papers
    Collection 66: Marian S. Carson Autograph Collection
    Collection 67: Currency
    Collection 68: William B. Pennebaker Watermark Collection
    Collection 69: C.W. Unger Watermark Collection
    Collection 70: G.E. Leontine Watermark Collection
    Collection 72: Benno M. Forman Papers
    Collection 73: William Brown Papers
    Collection 74: Trevor Residence File
    Collection 75: Novelty Wood Turning Works Records
    Collection 76: Joseph Downs Papers
    Collection 78: Roberts & Hensley Papers
    Collection 79: American Lottery Tickets
    Collection 81: Robert S. Stuart Papers
    Collection 82: Lawrence Manufacturing Company Records
    Collection 83: Cazenove-Lee Family Papers
    Collection 84: Asa P. Moore Papers
    Collection 85: Vennard Family Bills
    Collection 86: Charles B. Merriman Bills
    Collection 87: D.T. Sanders Co.
    Collection 88: John Sise Papers
    Collection 89: D.T. Lanman Co.
    Collection 90: C. Schrack Co.
    Collection 91: Skene Family Papers
    Collection 92: C. G. Sloan & Co. Records
    Collection 93: Herter Brothers Records
    Collection 94: Wistar Family Papers
    Collection 95: Nathan Margolis Shop
    Collection 96: Lawrence Park Papers
    Collection 97: I. J. Pratt Co.
    Collection 98: Samuel Chapman Papers
    Collection 99: Parke Edwards Papers
    Collection 101: Washington Hood Drawings
    Collection 102: Edwin Whitefield Papers
    Collection 103: Georgian Lighting Shops Drawings
    Collection 104: Latta Family Papers
    Collection 105: J. Barton Benson, Inc., Accounts and Scrapbook
    Collection 106: H. Graves Architectural Drawings
    Collection 107: Florence M. Montgomery Papers
    Collection 110: Jewell Irwin Potter Notebooks
    Collection 111: Collection of Chinese Export Watercolors
    Collection 112: Roy Victory Thorp Collection
    Collection 113: Milk Bottle Caps
    Collection 114: Alexander Jackson Davis Papers
    Collection 115: Gregor Norman-Wilcox Papers
    Collection 116: Thomas Ustick Walter Papers
    Collection 121: Maxine Waldron Collection of Paper Dolls, Games, and Paper Toys
    Collection 123: Charles Magnus Collection
    Collection 129: Charles H. Marsh Architectural Drawings
    Collection 130: Waldron Phoenix Belknap Papers
    Collection 132: Charles van Ravenswaay Papers
    Collection 137: Charles Osborne Papers and Drawings
    Collection 142: Walter Stewart Papers
    Collection 143: John Ruckman Papers
    Collection 149: Receipts
    Collection 153: Goldsmith & Tuthill Bills
    Collection 155: Janvier Family Papers
    Collection 156: Miscellaneous Accounts
    Collection 158: Interior Design Drawings
    Collection 161: Albert C. Marble Photographs
    Collection 162: Jesse William Bair Patterns of Early American Furniture and Business Records
    Collection 164: Thomas Sully Papers
    Collection 165: Vernon Family Records
    Collection 166: Pettingell-Andrews Company, Drawings of Lighting Equipment
    Collection 168: Elizabeth Margaret Chandler Memorabilia
    Collection 169: Lodge Family Papers
    Collection 171: Conrad Meyer Papers
    Collection 175: Petitions for Tavern Licenses
    Collection 177: Lars Gustav Sellstedt Collection
    Collection 182: Photographs
    Collection 186: War Bond Posters
    Collection 188: Emery Roth Papers
    Collection 189: Watson Family Papers
    Collection 190: Advertisements for Hair and Hair Supplies
    Collection 191: David Barrows Correspondence
    Collection 194: Abraham Bell and Co. Records
    Collection 196: Edwin Greble Letters
    Collection 198: Charles Grafly Photographs
    Collection 200: Drawings
    Collection 201: L. Prang & Co. Collection
    Collection 204: Baldwin Family Papers
    Collection 205: Whitehall Plantation Records
    Collection 207: Mantle Fielding Papers
    Collection 209: Byrdcliffe (Art Colony) Papers
    Collection 210: Architectural Drawings and Prints
    Collection 211: Prints
    Collection 212: Nazareth Hall Collection
    Collection 214: Advertisements
    Collection 216: William Gallimore Transfer Prints
    Collection 217: Franklin I. Welch Papers
    Collection 218: Edith Blake Brown Papers
    Collection 219: Russel Family Papers
    Collection 220: Collection of Toys and Games
    Collection 220: Thomas Tuttell Playing Cards
    Collection 224: Rogers L. Bartstow Bills and Receipts
    Collection 225: John Allgaier Papers
    Collection 226: Newbold Family Papers
    Collection 227: Sargent Family Papers
    Collection 228: Reward of Merit Cards
    Collection 229: Lantern slides
    Collection 230: Robinson-Delaplain Family Papers
    Collection 232: Powel Family Business Papers
    Collection 234: Cigar Box Labels
    Collection 235: Latimer Family Papers
    Collection 236: Lydia A. Albro Papers
    Collection 237: Berdan Family Papers
    Collection 239: Goodwin Family Papers
    Collection 240: Sheet Music
    Collection 242: F.O.C. Darley Papers
    Collection 243: Watchpapers
    Collection 245: Shipping Records
    Collection 246: Thomas Gilpin Papers
    Collection 247: Georg Friedrich Fritz Papers
    Collection 248: Thomas Webb Bills
    Collection 250: Richard A. Bourne Papers
    Collection 252: John S. Cogdell Diaries and Letterbooks
    Collection 253: Elliot Family Bills
    Collection 254: Roycroft Shop Collection
    Collection 255: American Ceramic Arts Society Records
    Collection 256: Risdon Family Papers
    Collection 258: C. Dodge Furniture Company Records
    Collection 259: Centennial Exhibition (1876: Philadelphia, Pa.) Collection
    Collection 260: Russell & Plumb Records
    Collection 261: Charles Dorman Research Notes
    Collection 263: Ashton Family Papers
    Collection 264: Isaac L. Williams Drawings and Scrapbook
    Collection 265: Dominy Family Papers
    Collection 267: Greeting Cards, Visiting Cards, and Scrap
    Collection 268: Legal Documents
    Collection 269: Bay State Paper Collar Co. Papers
    Collection 270: Edmond Ballora Drawings and Tracings
    Collection 274: Postcards
    Collection 275: William Thompson Bills
    Collection 276: Albert Bierstadt Collection
    Collection 277: Rieman William Michel Papers
    Collection 278: Thomas Fletcher Papers
    Collection 279: J. William Shaw Drawings and Blueprints
    Collection 280: Zenas Franklin Brett Papers
    Collection 282: Charles Watts Account Books
    Collection 284: Joeseph Griswold Account Books
    Collection 285: Bachman Family Papers
    Collection 286: Louisa M. Clinton Papers
    Collection 287: Danforth Family Papers
    Collection 289: Invitations and Tickets
    Collection 290: Ashhurst Family Papers
    Collection 292: Real Estate Records
    Collection 293: Bernard M. Bloomfield Papers
    Collection 294: Davenport Family Papers
    Collection 297: Corbit Family Account Books
    Collection 298: Frances Aspril Finley
    Collection 300: Jean-Frederic Phelypeaux, Comte de Maurepas Papers
    Collection 301: Certificates and Medals
    Collection 302: Ernest M. Currier Papers
    Collection 304: Joseph Downs (weaver) Accounts
    Collection 305: Hermann A.W. Maercklein Designs and Photographs
    Collection 308: John L. Krimmel Sketchbooks
    Collection 309: Samuel Tredwell Skidmore (b. 1866) Papers
    Collection 310: Samuel Tredwell Skidmore (1801-1881) Papers
    Collection 311: G.G. Fendler Toy Catalog
    Collection 313: Duncan Phyfe Papers
    Collection 314: Pratt Family Papers
    Collection 315: Thomas B. Clarke Scrapbooks and Register
    Collection 318: Ephrata Cloister Hymnals
    Collection 319: John Vaughan Papers
    Collection 320: Calligraphy
    Collection 321: Wallpaper
    Collection 322: Patterns and Designs
    Collection 323: Recipes
    Collection 324: Poetry
    Collection 325: Trotter Family Papers
    Collection 326: Menus
    Collection 330: John Doggett Records
    Collection 331: John Davis Hatch Collection
    Collection 332: University of Delaware, College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Architectural Drawings
    Collection 333: Envelopes
    Collection 334: John Ragatz Son Records
    Collection 337: Benjamin Randolph Financial Records
    Collection 339: Jonathan Evans Documents
    Collection 341: Bills for renovation
    Collection 349: William B. Reaney Engineering Drawings
    Collection 350: Benjamin Ferris Papers
    Collection 354: John Hewitt Business Papers
    Collection 357: Massachusetts State Capitol Lithographs
    Collection 358: Frederick Graff Papers
    Collection 361: Miscellaneous Letters
    Collection 362: Thomas D. Grover Papers
    Collection 363: Andrew Clow & Co. Records
    Collection 364: Betty Elzea Papers
    Collection 366: James Terry
    Collection 367: Julius O. Jacot Papers
    Collection 376: Charles L Ill Bills
    Collection 377: James G. Hening Bills
    Collection 378: Cecil R. Mills Letters
    Collection 380: North Family Papers
    Collection 381: Horace F. Phinney Papers
    Collection 383: Olds Family Papers
    Collection 384: George Washington Papers and Printed Ephemera
    Collection 386: Walpole Society Records
    Collection 385: Robert Blackwell Business Papers
    Collection 387: Delaplaine Family Papers
    Collection 388: Graff Family Papers
    Collection 391: John Trumbull Papers
    Collection 393: Florence Fitch and George Hopper Papers
    Collection 394: Benjamin West Papers
    Collection 396: Peale Family Papers
    Collection 397: Benson J. Lossing Correspondence
    Collection 398: John Sartain Papers
    Collection 399: Amelia Leavitt Hill Papers
    Collection 400: Hiram Powers Papers
    Collection 402: Stephen Phipps Bills
    Collection 403: Joseph Pennell
    Collection 404: John Rogers Records
    Collection 405: Henry Dexter Papers
    Collection 409: John Gaines Papers
    Collection 413: Harriet Hosmer Papers
    Collection 414: David Schneider Bills and Receipts
    Collection 415: Avery Family Papers
    Collection 416: Michael Gunkle Bills
    Collection 417: Rex Family Daybooks and Exercise Books
    Collection 418: William A. Washington Bills
    Collection 419: Samuel Payson Papers
    Collection 420: Tooker Family Papers
    Collection 421: Dorsey Family Papers
    Collection 422: Robert Cary Long Architectural Drawings
    Collection 423: William Porter Invoices
    Collection 424: Green Family Invoices
    Collection 425: American Artists Autographs
    Collection 426: Olof Althin Papers
    Collection 427: Kermit Family Papers
    Collection 429: Whittemore Family Papers
    Collection 430: Joshua H. Drisco Papers
    Collection 431: Frank Lloyd Wright Letters
    Collection 432: Enoch Silsby
    Collection 433: Vincent & Nelson Bills
    Collection 434: George W. Hammatt Bills
    Collection 435: N.C. Powers Letters
    Collection 436: Cornelia Gummere Scrapbooks
    Collection 439: Lyceum of the Town of Winchester Papers
    Collection 440: Aaron Wait Bills
    Collection 441: Abraham Wing Bills
    Collection 442: Norman Wilcox Bills
    Collection 443: John LaFarge Papers
    Collection 448: Arthur F. Tait Letters
    Collection 449: Thomas Worth Papers
    Collection 450: Louis Maurer Letters
    Collection 451: Eunice Chambers Papers
    Collection 452: Thomas Buchanan Read Letters
    Collection 453: Willing Family Bills & Receipts
    Collection 454: Wayne Family Papers
    Collection 455: Thomas Weston Papers
    Collection 456: George Glentworth Papers
    Collection 458: Carl Greenleaf Beede Papers
    Collection 459: Pierce & Baldwin Legal Papers
    Collection 461: Book Illustrations
    Collection 462: Miller Family Bills and Receipts
    Collection 463: Engravings of British and French Fashions
    Collection 464: Edward Hoopes Bills and Receipts
    Collection 465: William Smith Bills
    Collection 466: Scharff Family Accounts
    Collection 467: James W. McFadien Papers
    Collection 468: R. Hoe & Co. Papers
    Collection 469: Wetherill, Roberts, and Jones Families Papers
    Collection 470: Noah Fairbanks Papers
    Collection 471: Wonderly-Stewart-Ritter-Brown Family Papers
    Collection 472: Hall, Pancoast, & Craven Letters
    Collection 473: Programs
    Collection 475: Chauncey Deming Bills
    Collection 476: E. H. MacDonald Bills
    Collection 477: Kimball & Gould Bills
    Collection 478: Cowperthwait & Bros. Bills
    Collection 479: Z. Beckwith Bills
    Collection 480: School House Committee, Hingham (Mass.) Bills
    Collection 481: Charles Yockel Papers
    Collection 482: Fry and Gross Bills
    Collection 485: C. & D.R. Williams Bills and Receipts
    Collection 486: Failing Family Papers
    Collection 487: James H. Fletcher Bills and Receipts
    Collection 488: Jason H. Roe Letters
    Collection 489: Jonathan Meredith Bills
    Collection 490: New-York Agricultural Society Papers
    Collection 491: Lewis Family Papers
    Collection 492: English Artists Autographs
    Collection 493: Randall H. Moale Bills and Receipts
    Collection 494: Samuel Black Bills and Receipts
    Collection 495: Erastus Taylor Bills
    Collection 496: Stearns Family Papers
    Collection 497: C. W. Unger Papers
    Collection 498: George P. Brinley Bills
    Collection 499: Wisbey Family Christmas Cards
    Collection 500: Savery Family Papers
    Collection 501: Thomas Macon Papers
    Collection 502: George G. Fryer Papers
    Collection 503: Hugh Gardner Orders
    Collection 504: Dodd Brothers Papers
    Collection 505: Records of the Sicily (Brig), Gershom Bradford, Master
    Collection 506: Daniel Tyson Papers
    Collection 507: Edmond Charles Genet Accounts
    Collection 508: J.R. Holmes
    Collection 509: Smith Family Papers
    Collection 510: William Sellers Records
    Collection 511: Jonathan N. Harris Correspondence
    Collection 513: Nathaniel Lord Bills
    Collection 514: Bills of the Mechanic (Sloop), Benjamin Hallet, Master
    Collection 515: Daniel Plumer Receipts
    Collection 516: Stickney Family Papers
    Collection 517: Joseph Breck & Sons Papers
    Collection 518: Thomas Prince Beal Papers
    Collection 519: Rufus B. Bradford Bills
    Collection 520: John Rowe Parker Papers
    Collection 521: Shippen Family
    Collection 522: Erastus Dow Palmer Letters and Photos
    Collection 523: Russell Wheeler Bills
    Collection 524: Luke Drury Papers
    Collection 525: Patton and Wales Families
    Collection 527: Kidder Family Papers
    Collection 528: John Johnson Bills & Receipts
    Collection 529: James William Fosdick Letters
    Collection 530: Lazell, Perkins & Co. Papers
    Collection 531: McBurney Family Photographs
    Collection 532: John Hills Plans
    Collection 533: John T. Ropes & Co. Bills & Receipts
    Collection 534: McAllister Family Papers
    Collection 535: Thomas Yates Papers
    Collection 536: Charles Roger Stauffer Collection
    Collection 538: Mary Black Papers
    Collection 539: John Crosby Freeman Paint Consulting Papers
    Collection 540: Keiko Mizushima Keyes Papers
    Collection 541: Audrey Noël Hume Paperss
    Collection 544: 
Wurts Family Papers
    Collection 547: Sweat-Comings Co. Records
    Collection 553: Howard W. Wells Furniture Stencils
    Collection 554: J.P. & H. Hemenway Records
    Collection 557: John E. Grant Papers
    Collection 558: John W. McVine Records
    Collection 562: George Besore Bills
    Collection 564: Craig Family Papers
    Collection 565: Brewerton Family Papers
    Collection 569: Rodefer Glass Co. Papers
    Collection 570: Lewis E. January Family Papers
    Collection 571: Allan I. Ludwig Tombstone Photographs
    Collection 573: Martha Gandy Fales Research Papers on Richardson Family
    Collection 574: Joseph M. Fronefield Papers
    Collection 575: James R. Mercer Bills
    Collection 576: Eugene Metz Bills
    Collection 577: E. G. Koenig Bills
    Collection 578: Mary Harrod Northend Photographs
    Collection 579: Isaac S. Shute Bills
    Collection 582: E. McClung Fleming Symbols of America Research Papers
    Collection 583: May Bourne Strassburger Research Papers
    Collection 584: French & Co. Records
    Collection 585: Ephemera Society of America Records
    Collection 589: Anne F. Clapp Papers
    Collection 593: Mueller-Dunn Co. Collection
    Collection 595: Ephraim Carter Receipts
    Collection 597: R. L. Cavanaugh Collection
    Collection 598: Paul Evans Art Pottery Research Papers
    Collection 600: Martha Gandy Fales Jewelry Research Papers
    Collection 602: Richardson Family Papers
    Collection 604: Christmas Cards and Decorations
    Collection 610: Southern Kaolin Mining Co. Papers
    Collection 611: Henry Sterling Bills
    Collection 615: W.N. Swett Co.
    Collection 616: John Redman Coxe Papers
    Collection 617: E. Alfred Jones Papers
    Collection 618: Jean McClure Mudge Chinese Export Porcelain Research Papers
    Collection 622: Benjamin B. Lewis Papers
    Collection 623: William R. Thompson Bills
    Collection 624: Albert Constantine and Son Wood Samples
    Collection 625: Daniel L. Farber Photograph Collection
    Collection 626: John G. Kaulback Bills
    Collection 627: Hetty Ann Ackerman Akin Bills
    Collection 628: Frank H. Sommer Collection of Paper Dolls and Toys
    Collection 630: Bowen & Swan Business Papers
    Collection 632: Marjorie Phillips Collection
    Collection 633: John Samuel Hayward Papers
    Collection 637: Fabric Swatches and Documents 
    Collection 644: Margaret B. Schiffer Research Notes and Photographs
    Collection 645: John Spooner Smith Letters
    Collection 647: LaMont Adelbert Warner Collection
    Collection 649: William Bingham Papers
    Collection 650: L. D. Parkhurst Cutlery Co. Business Papers
    Collection 651: Alonzo P. Megrath Papers
    Collection 652: Vincent Laforme Drawings
    Collection 653: Wallace Nutting Drawings and Templates
    Collection 654: Charles Henry Hart Papers
    Collection 655: J. S. Mason & Co. Business Letters
    Collection 656: Nispel & Weiss Bills
    Collection 657: Manuel Eyre Bills
    Collection 658: Henry W. Fletcher Bills
    Collection 659: Blanchard and Clapp Invoices and Bills
    Collection 660: Peter Knabb Jr. Receipts
    Collection 664: Caroline K. Keck Papers
    Collection 669: Thelma S. Mendsen Collection
    Collection 670: Alexander Forbes Papers
    Collection 672: Marshall & Chipman Drug and Department Store Decals
    Collection 674: John F. Small Designs for Furniture
    Collection 675: Brodhead Family Papers
    Collection 676: Butler Family Bills and Receipts
    Collection 678: Yates Family Papers
    Collection 680: Brown Family Papers
    Collection 681: William N. Marr Bills and Receipts
    Collection 682: Worshipful Company of Skinners Election Day Orders
    Collection 684: Oliver C. Hill Papers
    Collection 686: Pennsylvania Reform School Bills
    Collection 687: Canby-Roberts-Rumford Family Papers
    Collection 691: Major William Sterrett. Washington Family Property Papers
    Collection 693: Daniel Lockwood Papers
    Collection 695: Richard Vaux Business Records
    Collection 696: George Michael Papers
    Collection 699: Broadsides
    Collection 700: Charles Oscar Haag Glass Plate Negatives
    Collection 702: J.A. Lloyd Hyde Papers
    Collection 706: Ginsburg & Levy Records
    Collection 707: Samuel Parkman Bills and Papers
    Collection 708: Marion J Nelson Papers
    Collection 709: Alfred J. Jakstas Papers
    Collection 710: du Pont Family Papers
    Collection 711: Edgar E. Mead Papers
    Collection 712: F. P. Watrous & Co. Business Papers
    Collection 713: Benjamin Taylor Receipts
    Collection 714: J. Louis Brooks Letters
    Collection 715: Don B. Heller Papers
    Collection 716: Walter C. Green Receipts
    Collection 717: Chandler Family Papers
    Collection 718: Margaret A. Fikioris Papers
    Collection 719: Richard H. Ely Bills
    Collection 721: Lyman White Stencil and Ornament Collection
    Collection 723: Gustav A. Berger Papers
    Collection 724: Stark & McKinstry Bills and Financial Papers
    Collection 725: Susan B. Swan Papers
    Collection 729: Bettina Jessell
    Collection 732: Frank F. Tingley Plans
    Collection 735: Robert Mallory Pewter Papers
    Collection 737: Mary Harrod Northend Glass Plate Negatives
    Collection 739: Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. Business Papers
    Collection 740: John Kenneth Byard Papers
    Collection 743: Todhunter, Inc. Drawings and Plans
    Collection 745: Marilyn Kemp Weidner Papers 
    Collection 746: Stanley Robertson Papers
    Collection 749: Paint Samples
    Collection 752: Irving and Casson Furniture Designs
    Collection 753: Marigene H. Butler Papers
    Collection 754: Elonor Weller Reade/ Alfred S. Branam Collection
    Collection 756: Joseph Story Letters
    Collection 757: Charles Wellington Stone Tramp Diary
    Collection 760: Charleston Earthquake Slides
    Collection 761: Miller-Jaquett-Wetherall Family
    Collection 762: C.E. Harnish Drawings
    Collection 763: Lucinda Sellman Bills
    Collection 764: Benjamin Greene Documents
    Collection 765: John B. Kellogg Bills and Papers
    Collection 770: John M. Kramer Papers
    Collection 773: Mary Hammond Sullivan Papers
    Collection 774: D. Albert Soeffing Silver Ephemera Collection
    Collection 775: William Graves Papers
    Collection 776: William Moulton Estate Administration Papers
    Collection 777: Henry Benbridge Letters
    Collection 778: Mann Satterwhite Valentine Bills and Receipts
    Collection 780: Charles Percier and Pierre François Léonard Fontaine Design Album
    Collection 782: Leon E. Lewis, Jr. Collection
    Collection 783: Ian M.G. Quimby Silver Research Papers
    Collection 784: Rudolf Buenz Stained Glass Window Cartoons
    Collection 785: Saul E. Zalesch Sheet Music Collection
    Collection 787: Carl Lewis Altmaier Lantern Slides
    Collection 790: Girard College Records
    Collection 792: William Wallis Invoices
    Collection 798: Charles V. Swain Papers
    Collection 800: Charles R. Muller Shaker Papers
    Collection 801: Barbara M. Kirkconnell Papers
    Collection 804: Marie Zimmermann Papers
    Collection 805: Kaplan Furniture Company Records
    Collection 806: Thacher Family
    Collection 807: Craftsman Architects, Blueprints for “Dumblane”
    Collection 808: Bernard Rabin Papers
    Collection 810: Martha Innis Young Correspondence
    Collection 813: Enrico Liberti Papers
    Collection 814: Shattuck’s Patent Stretcher Key collection
    Collection 815: John T. Kirk collection of Research Materials on Shaker Arts, Life, beliefs
    Collection 818: Donald A. Shelley Research Papers on Fraktur
    Collection 819: Virginia N. Naudé Conservation Records
    Collection 820: Fonda Ghiardi Thomsen Papers
    Collection 822: Checks and Promissory Notes
    Collection 823: Eberhardt & Ober Brewing Co. Bills and Letters
    Collection 824: Robert James Hubbard Bills for Renovation
    Collection 825: Charles Gray Bills and Receipts
    Collection 827: Edna Cooke Shoemaker Drawings and Papers
    Collection 828: John Bivins Papers
    Collection 830: Fine Arts Co. of Philadelphia, Inc. Records
    Collection 831: Frank H. Sommer Papers and Research Notes
    Collection 832: Audrey Demarest Calling Card Collection
    Collection 836: Joanna Rowntree Papers
    Collection 837: John Wethered Bell Sketches
    Collection 838: The John and Carolyn Grossman Collection
    Collection 840: Faith Zieske Conservation Records
    Collection 842: Joseph Sanger Attwill Papers
    Collection 843: Rex Brasher Scrapbook and Prints
    Collection 844: Newspaper and Periodical Collection
    Collection 845: Phineas P. Morris Bills
    Collection 846: William French Brett Invoices to H.K. Keith & Co.
    Collection 847: Pennock-Miller Family Collection
    Collection 849: José Orraca Papers
    Collection 850: Petford-Cranston Family Papers
    Collection 851: Muhlenberg Family Papers
    Collection 852: John Obbard Papers
    Collection 853: Roughwood Collection of European Fraktur
    Collection 856: Lantern slides of Philadelphia
    Collection 858: A. & H. Lejambre Interior Decorating Drawings
    Collection 860: Photographs of New Orleans and Louisiana
    Collection 864: Ada Stevens Young Pewter Research Papers
    Collection 865: Donald L. Fennimore Papers
    Collection 868: Rose Collection
    Collection 869: Janvier, Danforth, and Bush Family Papers
    Collection 870: Reed & Barton Photographs of Silver
    Collection 871: Craig A. Gilborn. Adirondack Research Papers
    Collection 874: Elinor Gordon Papers
    Collection 875: Judith Coolidge Hughes Papers
    Collection 876: Frederick S. Weiser Papers
    Collection 877: Dorothy D. McCoach Papers
    Collection 878: Edgar and Charlotte Sittig Business Records
    Collection 879: Susan Green Research Papers on Coach Lace
    Collection 880: Frank L. Hohmann Papers
    Collection 881: Charles Rohlfs Papers
    Collection 882: Betty Fiske Papers
    Collection 883: Tom Chase Conservation Papers
    Collection 884: Stewart-Treviranus Associates Records
    Collection 885: Shadrach Osborn Papers
    Collection 886: Weller Pottery Research Papers
    Collection 887: Bonnin & Morris Papers
    Collection 889: Maps
    Collection 893: Dunning Family Collection
    Collection 898: Holly Maxson Papers
    Collection 900: Laura C. Holloway Scrapbook and Library
    Collection 908: Abraham Jarvis Papers
    Collection 911: George L. Miller Papers
    Collection 912: Trudy Gilgenast Pa. German Broadside Research Papers
    Collection 913: Mary Jaene Edmonds Papers
    Collection 916: Edward Van Altena Slides
    Collection 917: Mervin B. Martin Papers
    Collection 920: Carl C. Dauterman Papers
    Collection 921: Adams Pottery Research Files
    Collection 923: Dana Sargent Bills
    Collection 924: Maury Family Bills and Publications
    Collection 925: Cathy Newman Research Notes
    Collection 927: Estelle Ellis Research Papers
    Collection 928: Charles Athon Hall Real Estate Business Records
    Collection 929: Patricia T. Herr Papers
    Collection 930: Research Papers on John Ritto Penniman
    Collection 933: Paint, Pattern, and People Research Files
    Collection 934: Tandy and Charles Hersh Papers
    Collection 935: Margaret Watherston Conservation Papers
    Collection 936: Paul Richardson Sheet Music Collection
    Collection 937: Robert Edwards Papers
    Collection 939: Alfred Bullard, Inc. Photographs
    Collection 943: Ann Baker Tinware Designs
    Collection 944: Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, NJ, Records
    Collection 945: Research Notes on Jabez Vodrey
    Collection 950: Richard LeBaron Bowen Pewter Research Papers
    Collection 951: Bruno Pouliot Papers
    Collection 953: Pancoast-Massey-Coppock Family Papers
    Collection 954: Evie Joselow Papers
    Collection 955: Alexander W. Katlan Papers
    Collection 956: Mr. Cartwright Receipted Bills
    Collection 960: Isaac Scholfield Business and Personal Papers
    Collection 962: Nina Gray Papers
    Collection 964: Wrotham Pottery Research Papers
    Collection 965: Selborne Farms Papers
    Collection 966: Deborah Kraak Textile Research Papers
    Collection 968: James T. Maher Research Papers
    Collection 969: James Larkin Bills
    Collection 974: Robert Bent Dye Recipes
    Collection 977: Kirk Verity Weaving Notebooks
    Collection 979: Laura Allen Weaving Drafts
    Collection 980: J. H. Cobb Papers
    Collection 983: Milo M. Naeve Papers
    Collection 985: Farr Alpaca Co. Papers
    Collection 988: Charles F. Hummel Papers
    Collection 990: Salmon Case & Sons Bills
    Collection 991: Jennie Alexander Research Papers
    Collection 992: Joseph Stidham Diaries
    Collection 993: Robert Milligan Account Book and Bills
    Collection 994: Yardley Family Papers
    Collection 995: Kurt A. Reed Christmas Ephemera Collection
    Collection 996: Reed & Barton Drawings and Records
    Collection 997: Jeffrey Simpson Family Papers
    Collection 1000: McCleary Family Architectural Drawings
    Collection 1001: C.K. Davis Papers
    Collection 1004: William A. Pierce Bills
    Collection 1005: Robert L. Feller Research Papers
    Collection 1006: William Seale Research Papers
    Collection 1008: William Henry Mann Letters
    Collection 1010: William L. Richmond & Co. Business Papers
    Collection 1011: Ellen A. Hedrick Letters
    Collection 1012: William Wild Fretwork Designs
    Collection 1013: Leslie Greene Bowman Exhibition and Publication Research Papers


    Document 30: Jonathan Mason Recollections
    Document 32: Hull & Bowne Receipt Book
    Document 52: Joseph Sansom Silhouette Albums
    Document 65: Charles Graff Receipt Book
    Document 72: Giuseppe Capovilla Trade Catalogue
    Document 76: Erastus B. Chase Letter Book
    Document 78: Cabinetmaker’s Account Book, 1817-1822
    Document 80: Jerimiah Fife Account Books
    Document 82: William B. Geyer Receipt Book
    Document 89: Portrait Authors
    Document 122: Daybook, 1801-1880s
    Document 139: Coates Family Silhouettes
    Document 162: Daniel Smith Account Book
    Document 171: Pattern Book
    Document 172: John Jutau Receipt Book
    Document 180: James Riddle Maxwell Letterbooks
    Document 182: Photograph Album, 1895-1897
    Document 188: Nathaniel Holmes Account Book
    Document 246: Lucinda Foote Commonplace Book
    Document 260: Benjamin Johnson Diary
    Document 271: William M. Account Book
    Document 280: Columbian Exposition Diary
    Document 292: John Rolfe Accounts and Receipts
    Document 306: American Institute of the City of New York Membership Applications
    Document 314: Hawthorn & Kerr Accounts
    Document 315: Hamilton & Hood Financial Documents
    Document 319: Jennie N. Munger Diary
    Document 322: Julia E. Markley Memorandum Book
    Document 326: Ledger, 1768
    Document 333: Sarah Lydia Robbins Howe Letters
    Document 334: Henry A. Dreer Letters
    Document 342: Joseph Holmes Account Books
    Document 361: Hannah Rogers Mason Diary
    Document 366: William E. Ward Notes of European Travel
    Document 370: Christian H. Shank Diary and Account Book
    Document 372: George Jaques Diary and Memoranda
    Document 389: Maria Fifield Diary
    Document 391: Mrs. Fred Patterson Recipe Book
    Document 408: Joseph Elkins Account Book
    Document 423: Micajah Kelley Account Book
    Document 429: Richard Sanborn Account Book
    Document 430: Jacob Babbitt Waste Book
    Document 434: Hannah Hood Owings Clark Diary
    Document 455: B.B. Dumont Account Book
    Document 465: William A. McPheeters Diary
    Document 474: James Stiles Receipt Book
    Document 478: Scrapbook, ca. 1850-1899
    Document 485: Mary Cresson Receipt Book
    Document 499: Scrapbook, ca. 1770-1850
    Document 514: Samuel Garrett Ledger
    Document 519: Daniel Huntington Lecture
    Document 525: Elisha Foord Accounts and Account Book
    Document 526: Zaccheus Atwood Account Book
    Document 531: Isaac Byington Journal
    Document 533: Account book, 1767-1777
    Document 536: Miss Daily.s Photograph Album
    Document 547: Hezekiah Fuller Account Book
    Document 555: Josiah Swank Account Book
    Document 559: Anna W. Baker Papers
    Document 572: Robert Coleman Account Book
    Document 574: Robert Waln Daybook
    Document 580: George Landon Account Book
    Document 585: Friedrich Bastian Account Books
    Document 596: Asa Jones Account Book
    Document 601: William Thorn Journal
    Document 610: Lewis Page Letterbook
    Document 617: Phineas Nichols Account Book
    Document 618: Account Book, 1870-1871
    Document 629: Martin Sampson Account Book
    Document 644: Account Book, 1857-1860
    Document 660: William Wagner Account Book
    Document 665: Moses Coddington Account Book
    Document 678: William Greenough Daybook
    Document 682: John Mehargue Account Book
    Document 704: Obadiah Dickinson Remarks on Painting
    Document 710: Lucy R. Tatnall Scrapbooks
    Document 715: Pine Grove Furnace Business Records
    Document 721: Josiah Briggs Account Book
    Document 724: William Bentley Account Book
    Document 729: Musser and Bowman Account Book
    Document 733: Daniel Fisher Account Book and Journal
    Document 739: William Johnston Diary
    Document 746: Enos White Diary and Account Book
    Document 755: Abner Taylor Account Book
    Document 757: Samuel Chapin Account Book
    Document 763: John Lambert Account Book
    Document 773: George Stewardson Receipt Book
    Document 778: James W. Steele Receipt Book
    Document 785: Old Colony and Fall River Railroad Company Record Book
    Document 786: Wylie Furniture Co. Daybook
    Document 788: Charles L. Barritt Lecture and Letter
    Document 789: Jeremiah Page Account Book
    Document 799: John Brown Account Book
    Document 801: Edward Pusey Autograph Album
    Document 808: Edward Rogers Tax Book
    Document 837: Isaac How Account Book
    Document 840: M.W. Graham Account Book
    Document 844: John Dean Cushing Account Book
    Document 848: Account Book, 1847-1865
    Document 855: Moses F. Knowlton Cash, Invoice, Sales & Bill Book
    Document 899: James Ballantine Accounts
    Document 908: Joseph Clark Receipt Book
    Document 913: Samuel Silliman Account Books
    Document 940: John White Estate Papers
    Document 947: Francis Brown Papers
    Document 948: Joseph Bulkeley Account Books
    Document 969: Bayard T. Putnam Bills
    Document 1004: Observations sur les moeurs &c des habitans de la district a Maine
    Document 1011: Christopher Bancker Appraisals
    Document 1027: Sarah A. Quincy Travel Diary
    Document 1031: Account book, 1752-1755
    Document 1035: Benjamin William Branson Account Book and Inventory
    Document 1037: Abiel Abbott Account Books
    Document 1043: Ford Barnes Account Book
    Document 1051: Robert Kennedy Daybook
    Document 1052: Account Book, 1820=1828
    Document 1077: Account Book, 1717-1740
    Document 1082: Jacob Tomlinson Daybook
    Document 1087: Asa J. Farwell Letters
    Document 1140: E.E. Belding Diary
    Document 1171: E.N. Stevens & Co. Records
    Document 1243: John Stevens Account Book
    Document 1320: Albert Monneron Sketchbook
    Document 1351: Dr. William Roberts’ Trip to Paris
    Document 1442: Peggey Clayton, Her Book
    Document 1495: Abraham Hoover Account Book
    Document 1506: Eliza Susan Quincy Memorandums
    Document 1541: Eva Purdy Thomson Diary
    Document 1555: Diary of a trip to Philadelphia, 1826
    Document 1565: Souvenirs of Boston
    Document 1570: Sadie Josephine Dawson Party Games Commonplace Book
    Document 1590: Marshall Pepoon Diary of a European Sojourn
    Document 1606: The Emerson Tirade in Europe
    Document 1670: William Chappel Account Book
    Document 1680: Calvin Cooper Account Books
    Document 1688: Jacob Biesecker Pattern Book
    Document 1696: Ephraim Lawrence Diary
    Document 1704: Nathaniel Emery Records
    Document 1706: Isaac Wright Account Book
    Document 1736: John Proctor Travel Diary
    Document 1745: John W. Patterson Daybook
    Document 1771: Charles Bruce Account Book
    Document 1772: Hiram Hotchkiss Account Books
    Document 1775: Sketchbook


    Folio 21: Rahm & Baum Ledger
    Folio 27: Thomas Shields Daybook
    Folio 32: John Woody Papworth Album
    Folio 33: Account Book
    Folio 34: Scrapbook
    Folio 35: Daybook
    Folio 38: Abraham Williamson Account Book
    Folio 39: Easton and Thompson Daybook
    Folio 69: Breck Family Daybooks
    Folio 89: French Watercolor Catalog
    Folio 118: Bartholomew Akin Account Books
    Folio 122: Samuel Phillips Savage Ledger
    Folio 133: W.C. Gildersleeve Account Book
    Folio 146: Brandon & Dolbeare Journal
    Folio 157: Ziba Blakslee Account Books
    Folio 158: Jonathan Holmes Ledger
    Folio 160: United States Military Academy Dept. of Military Art and Engineering Student Drawings
    Folio 169: Cortlandt, Billings & Co. account book
    Folio 175: George Morrison Coates Account Book
    Folio 201: George Dummer Ledger
    Folio 204: Paul Schulze Architectual Drawings
    Folio 225: Elijah Pember Account Book
    Folio 229: Wilmington Fire Insurance Co. Register
    Folio 236: John Read Account Book
    Folio 241: Norris Family Scrapbook
    Folio 246: Josiah L. White Account Book
    Folio 247: Benjamin Clark Account Book
    Folio 250: Himes & Gillett Daybook
    Folio 254: Eliphalet Wakeman Account Book
    Folio 255: Emma Howard Edwards Scrapbooks
    Folio 264: Old New York, or Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years
    Folio 266: John Austin Account Book
    Folio 268: Views of Philadelphia
    Folio 385: Amos Stackhouse Family Papers and Ledger
    Folio 419: George Ritter Daybooks
    Folio 432: Elnathan Eldredge & Co. Journal
    Folio 444: John B. Dash Daybook & Invoice Book


    Microfilm 1-2: Inventories of Estates: New York City and Vicinity
    Microfilm 5, 8-24: Inventories of Estates, Baltimore County, Maryland
    Microfilm 91: John McComb Architectural Drawings and Account Book
    Microfilm 101: Bancker Family Papers
    Microfilm 187: Samuel Wetherill and Sons Ledger
    Microfilm 255-257, 260-261: Kress Library of Business and Economics, Woolen and Silk Trades Papers
    Microfilm 270-282: Inventories of English Royalty
    Microfilm 296: Samuel Rowland Fisher Travel Journals
    Microfilm 314, 437-439: Thomas Cole Papers and Sketchbooks
    Microfilm 665.1: Ezekiel Bennett Daybook
    Microfilm 665.2-3: Robert C. Scadin Manuscripts
    Microfilm 665.4: Leonard Proctor Ledger and Daybook
    Microfilm 665.5: Miles Benjamin Ledger
    Microfilm 667-708: Philadelphia County, Pa. Tax Ledgers
    Microfilm 712-714, 1619: Elias Pelletreau Account Books
    Microfilm 737: American Correspondence of the Royal Society of Arts
    Microfilm 764-809: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Records
    Microfilm 839: American Philosophical Society Communications
    Microfilm 848: Aaron Ogden Account Book
    Microfilm 876: James Dixon and Sons Letterbook
    Microfilm 892-894: New Orleans Artists. Roster
    Microfilm 1424-1525, 2728: Gillow & Co. Business Papers
    Microfilm 1574-1576: Warren Family Papers
    Microfilm 1901: Constitutions of the Journeymen’s and Workingmen’s Associations, Philadelphia, Pa.
    Microfilm 2016-2022: Essex Institute Sample Books
    Microfilm 2579: Charles N. Buck Memoirs
    Microfilm 2677: John Glassford & Co. Records
    Microfilm 2710-2714: John Nicholson Papers
    Microfilm 2855, 2857.1: Job Danforth Account Book 

Shaker Collection

     Shaker Artifacts: Shaker Artifacts
     Shaker Media: Shaker Media
     Shaker Photographs: Shaker Photographs
     Shaker 734: Olive Blake Papers
     Shaker 736: Shaker Discharges and Lists of Clothing
     Shaker 737: Wills and Estate Inventories
     Shaker 740: Hancock, Mass. Real Estate Records
     Shaker 751: New Lebanon, NY Apprenticeships
     Shaker 752: New Lebanon, NY Real Estate Records
     Shaker 818: Journal of William Deming’s Travel to the State of Ohio.
     Shaker 871: Jane Emily Smith Papers
     Shaker 1039: Stephen Munson Letters
     Shaker 1044: Pleasant Hill, Ky. Letters
     Shaker 1046: Sodus Bay, NY Letters
     Shaker 1047: South Union, Ky. Letters
     Shaker 1048: Union Village, Ohio Letters
     Shaker 1089: Margaret Brown Collection
     Shaker 1128: New Lebanon, NY Bills and Letters
     Shaker 1130: New Lebanon, NY Receipts and Notes
     Shaker 1142: Florence Roberts Letters
     Shaker 1198: Helena Blavatsky Collection
     Shaker 1202: Laura Carter Holloway Langford Papers
     Shaker 1393: John R. Henry Papers