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For in-car GPS and online mapping services, use the following address:
5105 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807

From Philadelphia
Take I-95 South to Wilmington. Take exit 7B, which is Delaware Avenue/Route 52. At end of exit ramp, turn right at light to head northwest. As soon as possible, move into left-most lane because road splits; continue on Route 52 North. Winterthur is on Route 52, six miles northwest of Wilmington.

From I-476 (the Blue Route)
Take the Blue Route to I-95 South to Wilmington. Follow directions from Philadelphia.

From New Jersey, New York, and points north
Take the New Jersey Turnpike south to the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Cross the bridge and follow I-95 North to Wilmington. Take exit 7, which is Delaware Avenue/ Route 52. Travel three blocks to Route 52; take a left at the light. Stay in left-most lane to continue on Route 52 North. Winterthur is on Route 52, six miles northwest of Wilmington

From Baltimore, Washington, and points south
Take I-95 North to Wilmington. Take exit 7, which is Delaware Avenue/ Route 52. Travel three blocks to Route 52; take a left at light. Stay in left-most lane to continue on Route 52 North. Winterthur is on Route 52, six miles northwest of Wilmington.

Transportation to Winterthur

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