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Apply for Research Fellowships

Applicants are encouraged to contact Catharine Dann Roeber and Jackie Killian to discuss potential applications and review drafts prior to the January 15 deadline. They will connect you to other relevant staff who may assist in strengthening your application.

When I originally applied, [library staff] gave me a few additional library items to study that helped me round out my research plan. The feedback on my proposal offered by [Program staff] also helped me to develop those plans… (T)his… pre-application consultation prepared me well for the fellowship.

Brigitte Bailey, Short-Term Fellow, 2020-21

Application materials should be submitted through the online application portal linked at the bottom of this page.


Application form

If you are applying for a Postdoctoral fellowship or a Dissertation fellowship, your application may be considered for other eligible fellowship categories if your proposal is not accepted in your preferred category. For example,

  • Postdoctoral applications are eligible for the Short-Term fellowship category.
  • Dissertation applications are eligible for the Short-Term fellowship category.


Upload an application essay of no more than 1,500 words (PDF only) that provides a concise overview of your project. Address the following questions:

  • What ideas, questions, or problems guide your project?
  • What is distinctive about your project? How does it complement, expand, or challenge prior study in the field? Please be specific about prior scholarship that informs your work.
  • What work do you plan to undertake at Winterthur? Why is a fellowship at Winterthur necessary for successful completion of your project? How do you intend to study, question, and examine the Winterthur collections in service of your project? Please outline any specific needs or requests (ex. drawing, measuring, photography). 


Provide a two-page bibliography of primary sources you plan to use or consult at Winterthur (PDF only). Please group objects by collection and include a call number/object number for each object (ex. glass pitcher, 1959.0059). For library sources, see WinterCat. For museum objects see Museum Collection Digital Database. For garden objects see Plant Finder


Provide a copy of your current vita (PDF only; 5 pages max).


Request two recent letters of reference addressing your scholarly record, your current project, and your ability to work with a collegial group. If you are applying for a Dissertation Fellowship, one of these letters must come from your dissertation advisor.

Work Samples (Maker-Creator Applicants Only)

Provide the following digital work samples:

  • Portfolio of 5-10 high-res images or videos of your work (JPG, JPEG, or PDF for visual files; MP3 or MP4 for video files; YouTube or Vimeo for hosted video – please include time stamps where review should occur) OR 
  • For writers, a writing sample of current or previous work (ex. play and video scripts; prose and poetry; works of non-fiction, etc.), not to exceed 10 pages in length (PDF only).
  • You are strongly encouraged to include any relevant reviews of your work by professional critics (PDF or web address) and web addresses for samples that can be viewed online.
  • Mailed work samples will not be accepted.

If you have questions, please email

The deadline for all research fellowship applications is January 15, 2024.

Notice of acceptance is sent by April 1.


The Needles I: Stitching Identity Online Exhibition

The Needle’s I: Stitching Identity examines how we work with needles and thread to create a sense of self. From historic samplers and clothing to contemporary pieces, the exhibition presents stitchers and stitchery from the 18th century to the present day and explores these makers, their marks, and their stories through themes of family, memory, and craft tradition. The exhibit is inspired by The Needle’s Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution, Marla Miller’s important examination of 18th and early 19th-century identity, gender, and craft and moves it to the present day.

See the exhibition.

Common Destinations: Maps in the American Experience

This path-breaking exhibition charts objects and imagery related to America’s historical fascination with maps. Created by Martin Brückner, Professor in English and American Literature at the University of Delaware, Common Destinations was displayed in the Winterthur Galleries from April 2013 to January 2014. It features more than 100 Winterthur library and museum objects as well as loans from other collections.

See the exhibition.

Ann Lowe: American Couturier

Exhibition to tell story of the designer and her decades-long career

WINTERTHUR, DE (September 12, 2022) – An exhibit entitled Ann Lowe: American Couturier will present the life and work of the remarkable and influential American designer who designed couture gowns for debutantes, heiresses, actresses, and society brides, including Jacqueline Kennedy, Olivia de Havilland, and Marjorie Merriweather Post. The exhibit will be open at Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library from September 9, 2023, to January 7, 2024.

In 1964, The Saturday Evening Post referred to fashion designer Ann Lowe as “Society’s Best-Kept Secret.” Lowe made gowns that influenced international style—intricately constructed, beautifully designed, and custom-made for each client. For decades, she remained virtually unknown to the wider public. Since then, too little recognition has been given to her influence on American fashion. The exhibition will reveal her evolution as a designer from the 1920s to the 1960s, illuminating her ongoing engagement with fashion trends and shifting cultural moments. 

This is the largest exhibition of Lowe’s work to date, featuring 40 gowns, many never before on public view. Ann Lowe’s recently emerging visibility as a designer stands in contrast to much of her career and the countless unrecognized Black dressmakers and designers who have contributed to American fashion for generations, including her own grandmother and mother. She blazed a path for others to follow and her legacy is still felt in fashion culture.

The exhibition will also feature the work of contemporary couturiers and fashion designers whose current design practices, perspectives, and career paths reflect the trajectory of American fashion emanating from Lowe’s foundation. These include B Michael, Tracy Reese, Amsale Aberra, and Bishme Cromartie. Elizabeth Way, associate curator at The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, is guest curator of the exhibition. 

For information, call 800.448.3883 or visit

This exhibition is made possible through support from the Terra Foundation for American Art, the Coby Foundation, Ltd., and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Important Tips for School Programs

On-Site Programs

  • Please arrive on time for your program.
  • Make sure students are wearing a name tag.
  • Review museum manners with your students. These include walking, using quiet voices, and touching objects only when instructed to do so. The garden is part of the collection too! Please have students refrain from climbing trees, throwing stones, or picking flowers. 
  • Each group has its own guide. Therefore, every group of students does not need to have a chaperone, though we understand that school policy may require this. 
  • Adults should model good behavior for the students. Chaperones can be most helpful by staying with their assigned groups, allowing students to answer questions, and encouraging students to use good museum manners. 
  • Museum policy and staffing dictate the number of students in each group. Please make sure all teachers attending the field trip understand this and follow the guidelines.

In-Class Programs 

  • Make sure students are wearing name tags. 
  • Encourage students to practice good classroom manners. 
  • Encourage respectful handling of demonstration items.
  • Model active listening and participation.

Virtual Programs 

  • Log on a few minutes before your program begins.
  • Ensure all names appear accurately. 
  • When applicable, use the chat function appropriately. 
  • Be respectful of your guide and peers.

If you have any questions, please contact 

More to Explore

Visit the multiple rooms and floors of the house on this 75-minute guided tour and get an in-depth exploration of Winterthur’s collections, historic architecture, and the lives of people who lived and worked here. For ages 8 and up. Reservations recommended; capacity limited. $10 with price of admission. $5 for Members.

Tuesday–Sunday, 11:00 am, 1:30 and 2:30 pm.

Purchase tickets.

House Tours: Walking in Jackie’s Footsteps

Follow the path Jacqueline Kennedy took when she was touring the house at Winterthur in 1961. See the rooms and collections that inspired her to restore the White House as a celebration of American history and craftsmanship.

Self-paced tours available from 10:00 am–3:30 pm. Guides are available to answer questions. Use our mobile guide for additional information. Reserve now!

All tours begin at the Conservatory. Reservations are required, capacity limited. Tours are included with admission. Members free. Please call 800.448.3883 or email for information. All visitors must wear a mask on guided house tours. Tours will not be available Monday, November 7—Friday, November 18.