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Winterthur Bloom Report 26

Bloom Report #26

June 29, 2022
81 F, Sunny

Stout hybrid daylilies

Check these out:

  • Hydrangeas:  Hydrangeas – with both mophead/hortensia and lacecap flowers, including bigleaf (Hydrangea macrophylla), smooth (Hydrangea arborescens), oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia) and mountain (Hydrangea serrata) – are blooming throughout the Gardens.  Visit Enchanted Woods to see the largest collection of species & varieties.
  • Oakleaf hydrangeas:  Check the view of the spectacular white oakleaf hydrangea blossoms (Hydrangea quericfolia) from Garden Lane just at the cut-leaf Japanese maple (Acer palmatum var. dissectum).
  • Drifts of Daylilies: Orange daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva) are putting on a great show around the Library – on the walkway to the Reflecting Pool and along Garden Lane – and in other areas of the gardens.  They are joined by yellow ‘Happy Returns’ (Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’) at the Brown Center.
  • Escape the heat:  The glade from the March Walk to the Icewell Terrace walk is an ocean of green ferns that, together with the tree canopy, create a cool oasis.  Try it!
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


fb         Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender)

pf         Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

b          Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed – pink)

fb         Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue – far side of Clenny Run)

pf         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

pf         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Convolvulus species (Morning-glory vine – pink, white)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

pf         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

b          Helianthus species (Sunflower – yellow)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple)

pb        Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rosa species (Rose – white)

fb         Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

pb        Sambucus species (Elderberry – white)

fb         Scutellaria integrifolia (Hyssop skullcap – violet-blue with white stripes on lower ‘lip’/petal)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

pb        Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Vicia cracca (Cow vetch – purple)


fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fb         Hemerocallis species (Daylily – yellow)

fbb       Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree – blue, pink)


pb        Digitalis grandiflora (Large yellow foxglove – light yellow)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla cultivars (Bigleaf hydrangea – blue, pink)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

pb        Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)


pb        Nepeta faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ (Catmint – blue)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

pb        Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple – 1 plant)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – red berries)


fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – righ purple)

fb         Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


fb         Abelia x grandiflora (Glossy abelia – soft pink)

pb        Astilbe chinensis ‘Visions Pink’ (Astilbe – pale pink – at Bath House)

fb,++   Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange – at end of Library to Bath House)

fb,+     Hemerocallis  Stout hybrids (Hybrid daylily – golden yellow, bi-color – at Bath House)

fb         Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


b          Astilbe chinensis var. pumila (Astilbe – lavender rose)

fb         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fb,+     Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lanarth White’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – white)

fb         Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white)

pf         Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay magnolia – white)

b          Nymphaea species (Waterlily)

pf         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

pf         Yucca filamentosa (Adam’s needle – creamy-white)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

b          Astilbe chinensis (Astilbe – lavender-pink)

fb         Astilbe chinensis varieties (Astilbe – white, pink)

fb         Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – white)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

b          Egeria densa (Elodea – white – in upper Koi Pond)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb,+     Hemerocalllis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fb         Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ (Hosta cultivar – pale lavender)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white – mophead/hortensia + lacecap)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Rhododendron auriculatum (Rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)

pb        Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

b          Desmodium glutinosum (Pointed-leaved tick-trefoil – light pink)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fbb,++ Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

pb        Syneilesis palmata (Shredded umbrella plant – off-white)

fb         Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow rue – white)

fbb       Thalictrum rochebrunanum (Rue – lavender)


fb         Astilbe biternata (False goat’s beard – white)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

pf         Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb,+     Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

pf         Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – rose pink)


fb         Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden rain tree – golden yellow)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


pb        Astilbe ‘Peach Blossom’ (Astilbe – pale pink – at Latimeria Gates)

pb        Astilbe variety (Astilbe – white – at Latimeria Gates)

pb        Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

ber       Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – green to wine red fruits – few)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pb        Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ (Japanese kerria – golden yellow – 1 flower)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

ber       Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – orange rose hips)

pf         Spiraea japonica (Spiraea – pink)


b          Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink, white)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pb        Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

b          Clethra barbinervis (Japanese clethra – white)

fbb       Hosta species (Hosta)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hills of Snow’ (Smooth hydrangea variety – white)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta (Blue Wave hydrangea variety – soft blue)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Preziosa’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – lavender to pink to mauve rose to white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofuji’ (Mountain hydrangea – white)

fb         Lysimachia clethroides (Goose-neck loosestrife – white)

fb         Rhododendron cumberlandense (Cumberland azalea – red-orange)

b          Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)

pf         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

pb        Weigela ‘Pink Princess’ (Weigela cultivar – pink – 2 flowers)


fb         Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink, white)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb,+   Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – on hillside at Quarry bridge)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

fb         Rhododendron cumberlandense (Cumberland azalea – medium orange)

b          Rhododendron prunifolium (Plumleaf azalea – bright red – 2 flowers)

OAK HILL-West Side

pf         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

ber       Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber magnolia – ivory cones)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Astilbe thunbergia ‘Ostrich Plume’ (Astilbe varieties – pink, white)

pb        Dicentra eximia (Bleeding heart – pink)

fb         Hosta elata (Giant plantain-lily – white)

fbb       Hosta ‘Honeybells’ (Hosta variety – white)

fb         Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

b          Iris ensata ‘Favorite’ (Japanese iris cultivar – blue)

fb         Iris hexagona (Dixie iris – purple with yellow marking)

pf         Iris prismatica (Slender blue flag iris – dark blue)

pf         Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Small tree rhododendron – lavender-pink)

pf         Spigelia marylandica (Indian pink – red with yellow center)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


pf         Catalpa bignonioides (Common catalpa – white)

pf         Deutzia chunii (Chunii deutzia – white)

pf         Leptodermis oblonga (Chinese leptodermis – lavender)

pb        Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pb        Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

pf,+     Rosa MEIvahn (Meidiland rose – white – at Brick Overlook folly)

fb         Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (‘New Dawn’ rose – palest pink)

pb        Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

pf         Spiraea x ‘Margaritae’ (Margarita spiraea – shades of pink)

fb         Stewartia ovata (Mountain stewartia – white)

pf         Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)

pb        Stewartia rostrata (Beaked stewartia – white)

fb         Syringa retusis (Tree lilac – off-white)

pf         Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’ (Smooth witherod variety – white)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)

pf         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

pb        Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea – blue lacecap, pink mophead)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Fuji Waterfall’ (Bigleaf hydrangea cultivar – white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white – at Museum bridge)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Beni Kurishimi’ (Satsuma azalea hybrid – double red-orange – lower side of Cottage)

pb        Rhododendron indicum ‘Balsaminaeflorum’ (Azalea – double orange – behind Cottage)


fb         Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ (Daylily variety – yellow)

b          Hosta lancifolia (Narrow-leaved hosta – purple – few plants)

b          Humulus lupulus (Hops – greenish)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea – white, blue, dark rose-pink)

b          Lablab purpureus (Hyacinth bean vine – purple)

fb         Lathyrus latifolius (Perennial sweet pea – fuchsia)

pb        Magnolia soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink – 3 buds)

fb         Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – blue, white, pink)      

ber       Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – oval green to brown seed pods)

b          Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – white – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

ber       Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – long, pointed green seed pods – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

b          Rhododendron maximum (Rosebay rhododendron – white to very pale pink)

fb         Ricinus communis variety (Castor oil plant – bright red + small white florets)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

b          Allium vineale (Field garlic – lavender-pink)

b          Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed – pink)

fb         Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Asclepias tubersoa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

pf         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Convolvulus species (Morning-glory vine – white, pale pink)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

b          Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace – white)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb         Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)

b          Lysimachia nummularia (Moneywort – bright yellow – very close to the ground)

b          Mentha species (Mint – pale lavender)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

pb        Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow – along Quarry stream)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

fb         Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow rue – white)

pb        Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

pf,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report 27

Bloom Report #27

July 6, 2022
82 F, Cloudy

Hosta ventricosa

Check these out:

  • Hydrangeas:  Hydrangeas – with both mophead/hortensia and lacecap flowers, including bigleaf (Hydrangea macrophylla), smooth (Hydrangea arborescens), oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia) and mountain (Hydrangea serrata) – are blooming throughout the Gardens.  Visit Enchanted Woods to see the largest collection of species & varieties.
  • Brilliant Berries:  The shiny bright red berries of doublefile viburnum (Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum) can be seen throughout the estate in addition to areas of the garden listed below.  They look like Venetian glass!
  • Hostas:  The rich purple of blue hostas (Hosta ventricosa) can be seen throughout the gardens.  The great hosta show is starting with bloom spikes, not yet in full bloom, extending from Garden Lane down the March Walk bank and to the walk on the far side of the stream.  The Quarry Garden hillside is covered in pale-lavender-to-white spikes of hybrid ‘Honeybells’ hostas (Hosta plantaginea x lancifolia ‘Honeybells’).
  • Drifts of Daylilies: Orange daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva) are still putting on a great show around the Library and along the walkway from the Museum to the Reflecting Pool.
  • Escape the heat:  The glade from the March Walk to the Icewell Terrace walk is an ocean of green ferns that, together with the tree canopy, create a cool oasis.  Try it!
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


pf         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb         Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender)

fb         Linaria vulgaris (Butter-and-eggs – yellow – at far edge of parking lot)

ber       Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – clusters of round yellow-green seed pods)

pb        Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)

fbb       Vitex agnus castus (Chaste tree – blue)


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

b          Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed – pink)

fb         Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

pf         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue – far side of Clenny Run)

pb        Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Cirsaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

pb        Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Convolvulus species (Morning-glory vine – pink, white)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

pb        Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Helianthus species (Sunflower – yellow)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple)

pb        Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb         Hypericum ellipticum (Pale St. John’swort – yellow)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

fb         Pycnanthemum species (Mountain mint – white)

b          Rosa species (Rose – pink – few flowers)

pf         Rosa species (Rose – white)

ber       Rubus species (Brambles – red berries)

fb         Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

fbb       Silphium perfoliatum (Cup plant – yellow – few flowers)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

pb        Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbena hastata (Blue vervain – small dark blue flowers)

fb         Vicia cracca (Cow vetch – purple)


fb         Buddleia davidii (Butterfly bush – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fb         Hemerocallis species (Daylily – yellow)

fb         Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon – rosy purple)

b          Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree – blue, pink)


fbb       Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace – white)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla cultivars (Bigleaf hydrangea – blue, pink)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white turning pink)

b          Wisteria frutescens (Wisteria – purple)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

b          Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender to white)

fbb       Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

pf         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

b          Hypericum ellipticum (Pale St. John’swort – yellow)


ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


pb        Nepeta faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ (Catmint – blue)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fbb       Hypericum ellipticum (Pale St. John’swort – yellow)

pf         Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)


fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – righ purple)

pb        Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


fb         Abelia x grandiflora (Glossy abelia – soft pink)

fb,++   Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange – at end of Library to Bath House)

fb,+     Hemerocallis  Stout hybrids (Hybrid daylily – golden yellow, bi-color – at Bath House)

fb         Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


b          Agapanthus variety (Lily of the Nile – White, blue – in large pots) 

fb,+     Astilbe chinensis var. pumila (Astilbe – lavender rose)

b          Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

pf,+     Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lanarth White’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white)

pf         Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay magnolia – white)

b          Nymphaea species (Waterlily)


pf         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Astilbe chinensis (Astilbe – lavender-pink)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Egeria densa (Elodea – white – in upper Koi Pond)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pb        Hemerocalllis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fb         Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ (Hosta cultivar – pale lavender)

b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white – mophead/hortensia + lacecap)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

ber       Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber magnolia – ivory cones)

pf         Rhododendron auriculatum (Rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)


pf         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Desmodium glutinosum (Pointed-leaved tick-trefoil – light pink)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b,++     Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fbb       Lilium species (Lily – orange)

fb         Lysimachia clethroides (Goose-neck loosestrife – white)

fb         Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow rue – white)

b          Thalictrum rochebrunanum (Rue – lavender)


fb         Astilbe chinensis (Astilbe – pink)

fb         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

pb        Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb,+     Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white turning pink)

pb        Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – rose pink)


fb         Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden rain tree – golden yellow)

ber       Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – clusters of round yellow-green seed pods)


b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fbb       Aralia racemosa (Spikenard – greenish)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

pf         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

b          Phlox paniculata (Garden phlox – pink)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


pb        Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

ber       Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – green to wine red fruits – few)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fb         Convolvulus species (Morning-glory vine – white)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

b          Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

b          Symphyotrichum lateriflorum ‘Lady in Black’ (Aster lateriflorus/calico aster – white with red center – new plantings)


b          Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

ber       Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – orange rose hips)

pb        Spiraea japonica (Spiraea – pink)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pb        Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink)

pf         Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Clethra alnifolia ‘Hummingbird’ (Summersweet cultivar – white)

fb         Clethra barbinervis (Japanese clethra – white)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

fb         Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender to white)

fb         Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hills of Snow’ (Smooth hydrangea variety – white)

b          Hydrangea aspera var. sargentiana (Sargent’s hydrangea – white & blue lacecap)

fbb       Hydrangea involucrata (Bracted hydrangea – blue or pink with white lacecap – firm spherical buds)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta (Blue Wave hydrangea variety – soft blue)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Preziosa’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – lavender to pink to mauve rose to white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofuji’ (Mountain hydrangea – white)

fbb       Kirengeshoma palmata (Wax bells – yellow – few flowers)*

fb         Lysimachia clethroides (Goose-neck loosestrife – white)

fb         Rhododendron cumberlandense (Cumberland azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Rosebay rhododendron – pale pink to white)

pf         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

pb        Weigela ‘Pink Princess’ (Weigela cultivar – pink – 6 flowers)


b          Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink, white)

fb         Circaea lutetiana (Native broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade – very tiny white flowers)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

fb         Hosta ‘Honeybells’ plantaginea x lancifolia (Hosta hybrid – pale lavender to white)

fb,+     Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – on hillside at Quarry bridge)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

b          Rhododendron prunifolium (Plumleaf azalea – bright red – 2 flowers)

OAK HILL-West Side

pb        Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye weed – white)

fb         Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

ber       Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber magnolia – ivory cones)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


fb         Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pb        Dicentra eximia (Bleeding heart – pink)

fbb       Eupatorium maculatum (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fbb       Heuchera species (Alumroot – white)

fb         Hosta elata (Giant plantain-lily – white)

fb,+     Hosta ‘Honeybells’ plantaginea x lancifolia (Hosta hybrid – pale lavender to white)

pf         Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

fb         Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple)

fp         Iris hexagona (Dixie iris – purple with yellow marking)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)


ber       Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – lumpy tan fruit)      

pb        Deutzia chunii (Chunii deutzia – white)

fbb       Hydrangea paniculata ‘Unique’ (‘Unique’ panicle hydrangea – white)

pb        Leptodermis oblonga (Chinese leptodermis – lavender)

pb        Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

pf,+     Rosa MEIvahn (Meidiland rose – white – at Brick Overlook folly)

pb        Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (‘New Dawn’ rose – palest pink)

pb        Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

pb        Spiraea x ‘Margaritae’ (Margarita spiraea – shades of pink)

fb         Stewartia ovata (Mountain stewartia – white)

pf         Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)

ber       Viburnum plicatum x tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – bright red berries)

fbb       Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)

ber       Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white berries turning orange/red-orange)

pb        Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

pb        Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Hosta ventricosa (Blue hosta – rich purple – few flowers)

fb         Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea – blue lacecap, pink mophead)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Fuji Waterfall’ (Bigleaf hydrangea cultivar – white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – pink – at Museum bridge)

fbb       Oxydendron arboreum (Sourwood – white – behind Cottage)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Beni Kurishimi’ (Satsuma azalea hybrid – double red-orange – lower side of Cottage)


b          Echinacea species (Coneflower – white)

pb        Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ (Daylily variety – yellow)

b          Hosta lancifolia (Narrow-leaved hosta – purple – few plants)

fb         Humulus lupulus (Hops – greenish)

fb         Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea – white, blue, dark rose-pink)

b          Lablab purpureus (Hyacinth bean vine – purple)

fb         Lathyrus latifolius (Perennial sweet pea – fuchsia)

fb         Lathyrus odoratus (Annual sweet pea – white with purple streaks)

b          Magnolia soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink – 3 buds)

fb         Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – blue, white, pink)      

ber       Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – oval green to brown seed pods)

b          Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – white – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

ber       Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – long, pointed green seed pods – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

pb        Rhododendron maximum (Rosebay rhododendron – white to very pale pink)

fb         Ricinus communis variety (Castor oil plant – bright red + small white florets)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed – pink)

fb         Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Asclepias tubersoa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

fb         Carduus nutans (Nodding thistle – reddish purple)

b          Cicorium intybus (Chicory – blue)

pf         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Convolvulus species (Morning-glory vine – white, pale pink)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace – white)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb         Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)

b          Lysimachia nummularia (Moneywort – bright yellow – very close to the ground)

b          Mentha species (Mint – pale lavender)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

pb        Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Prunella vulgaris (Heal-all – purple)

fb         Pycnanthemum species (Mountain mint – white)

fb         Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow – along Quarry stream)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

fbb       Silphium perfoliatum (Cup plant – yellow)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

b          Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

pf,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow) 

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

b          Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace – white)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report 24

Bloom Report #24

June 16, 2022
74 F, Morning Cloudy, Afternoon Partly Sunny

Hydrangeas at Enchanted Woods Bird’s Nest

Check these out:

  • Oakleaf hydrangeas:  Check the view of the spectacular white oakleaf hydrangea blossoms (Hydrangea quericfolia) from Garden Lane just at the cut-leaf Japanese maple (Acer palmatum var. dissectum).
  • Escape the heat:  The glade from the March Walk to the Icewell Terrace walk is an ocean of green ferns that, together with the tree canopy, create a cool oasis.  Try it!
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


fb         Catalpa bignonioides (Common catalpa – white)

fb         Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa – white)

pb        Ehretia ovalifolia (Heliotrope tree – ivory)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb         Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

fb         Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

pf         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

b          Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)fb          Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pf         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

pf         Sambucus species (Elderberry – white)

pf         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Vicia cracca (Cow vetch – purple)


b          Hemerocallis species (Daylily – yellow)


b          Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – lavender-pink)

fbb       Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace – white)

pf         Digitalis grandiflora (Large yellow foxglove – light yellow)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

pf         Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron – purple)


b          Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

pf         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – pale yellow, bronze)


pf         Nepeta faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ (Catmint – blue)


b          Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pf         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

pb        Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

fb         Lilium tsingtauense (Korean wheel lily – bright orange)

pb        Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)

pb        Rhododendron discolor (Mandarin rhododendron – white)


pb        Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)


fb         Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


fb         Astilbe chinensis ‘Visions Pink’ (Astilbe – pale pink – at Bath House)

b          Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink)

b          Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hemerocallis variety (Daylily – golden yellow – at Bath House)

fb         Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white – 1 flower at top)


pf         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

b          Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

fbb       Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lanarth White’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – white)

fb         Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white)

fb         Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay magnolia – white)

b          Nymphaea species (Waterlily – pink)

pf         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

fb         Yucca filamentosa (Adam’s needle – creamy-white)


b          Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

b          Aegopodium podagraria – Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Astilbe chinensis variety (Astilbe – white)

b          Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

b          Hemerocalllis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

b          Lamprocapnos spectabilis (Asian bleeding heart – pink – 3 flowers)

pf         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, wine red)

pf         Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)


b          Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

b          Campanula rapunculoides (Creeping bellflower – violet-blue)

b          Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

pb        Syneilesis palmata (Shredded umbrella plant – off-white)

fbb       Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow rue – white)


fb         Aconitum species (Monkshood – white)

fbb       Astilbe biternata (False goat’s beard – white)

pb        Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

b          Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb,+     Hydrangea quercifolia (Oak-leaf hydrangea – white)

pb        Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – light pink)


b          Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pf         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – golden orange)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, coral-pink)


fb         Astilbe ‘Peach Blossom’ (Astilbe – pale pink – at Latimeria Gates)

fb         Astilbe variety (Astilbe – white – at Latimeria Gates)

pb        Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – red, peach)

pf         Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

ber       Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – green fruits)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pb        Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


pf         Spiraea japonica (Spiraea – pink)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


b          Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink)


b          Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pf         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fbb       Hosta species (Hosta)

b          Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hills of Snow’ (Smooth hydrangea variety – white)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta (Blue Wave hydrangea variety – soft blue)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Preziosa’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – lavender to pink to mauve rose)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

pb        Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

fb         Rhododendron J.T. Lovett (Indica hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids /light coral)

fb         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)


b          Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – pink, white)

pb        Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)p

f           Rhododendron bakeri (Cumberland azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron cumberlandense (Cumberland azalea – medium orange)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender – in meadow)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers – in meadow)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Buccaneer’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – double orange)

pb        Rododendron keampferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral, dark pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Mrs. CC Miller’ (Gable hybrid azalea (double red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Scout’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red)


fb         Astilbe thunbergia ‘Ostrich Plume’ (Astilbe varieties – pink, white)

fbb       Hosta ‘Honeybells’ (Hosta variety – white)

fb         Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

pb        Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

pf         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – golden yellow, wine red)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – orange)

pb        Rodgersia podophylla (Bronze-leaf rodgersia – off-white)

fb         Spigelia marylandica (Indian pink – red with yellow center)


b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fb         Catalpa bignonioides (Common catalpa – white)

pf         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Deutzia chunii (Chunii deutzia – white)

pf         Deutzia species (Deutzia – white)

pf         Deutzia x magnifica (Showy deutzia – double white)

pb        Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fb         Leptodermis oblonga (Chinese leptodermis – lavender)

pb        Magnolia sieboldii ’Colossus’ (Oyama magnolia – white)

pb        Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pb        Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

fb,+     Rosa MEIvahn (Meidiland rose – white – at Brick Overlook folly)

pf         Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (‘New Dawn’ rose – palest pink)

pb        Rosa ‘Pink Leda’ (Damask rose hybrid – pink – at Bristol Folly)

pb        Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

fb         Spiraea x ‘Margaritae’ (Margarita spiraea – shades of pink)

fb         Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia – white)

pb        Stewartia rostrata (Beaked stewartia – white)

fb         Syringa retusis (Tree lilac – off-white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’ (Smooth witherod variety – white)

pf         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

pf         Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


pf         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white – along Clenny Run)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – green)

b          Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb         Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white – at Museum bridge)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Beni Kurishimi’ (Satsuma azalea hybrid – double red-orange – lower side of Cottage)

fb         Rhododendron indicum ‘Balsaminaeflorum’ (Azalea – double orange – behind Cottage)

pf         Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron hybrid – purple)

pf         Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender to white)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)


b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown – at far edge of parking lot)b  Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ (Daylily variety – yellow)

b          Hosta lancifolia (Narrow-leaved hosta – purple – few plants)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea – white)

b          Lathyrus latifolius (Perennial sweet pea – fuchsia)

b          Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – blue, white, pink)      

ber       Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – oval green to brown seed pods)

pb        Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

pb        Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

fb         Ricinus communis variety (Castor oil plant – bright red + small white florets)

pb        Sedum sarmentosum (Stonecrop – yellow)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

b          Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

b          Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

fb         Carduus nutans (Nodding thistle – reddish purple)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

pb        Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white – along stream)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pf         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb         Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed loosestrife – yellow)

fb         Lysimachia nummularia (Moneywort – bright yellow – very close to the ground)

pb        Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

pb        Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow – along Quarry stream)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty spike)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

pf,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

b          Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fb         Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly milkweed – orange)

fb         Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle – lavender)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb,+     Penstemon digitalis (Beardtongue – white)

b          Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed-Susan – yellow)

fb         Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

pf,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Object of the Month: Plaster Cat Figure

By Jeni Jackson 

Assistant manager, tour programs 

I am the resident cat lady. I’ve always had cats, and whenever a cat was spotted on the property, Public Safety would call me, so I got involved with a local cat rescue. I was on one of my many wanders through the museum when I first started 20 years ago, and I was drawn to a cabinet with these chalkware figures. There’s a whole assortment of animals, and they’re all unique and charming in their own ways.  I’ve always been drawn to them in general because they have little eyebrows, and any time you put eyebrows on an animal, that just cracks me up. But once I spotted that cat, it was the one. It is so beautifully painted. We don’t know exactly when it was made or where. It’s very generic that way, so it’s like an Everyman’s craft. As a cheap alternative to ceramics, chalkware was an option for the more creative. Made from plaster of Paris, figures could be made at home in any style or shape, using a homemade mold. Early chalkware pieces can be hollow or solid, painted with watercolors, oils, or even tempera. This one is adorable. I’m not normally on the eighth floor to do tours anymore, but I do walk through the museum once or twice a week, and I make a point of stopping up to see all the little chalkware figures, especially my kitty. 

Cat figure 

England, France, or United States (East Coast), 1850-1900 

Bequest of Henry Francis du Pont 1964.1672

Plaster (chalkware) 

Winterthur Bloom Report 23

Bloom Report #23

June 7, 2022
77 F, Partly Sunny

Martagon hybrid lily

Check these out:

  • Lilies:  This week the martagon lilies (Lilium martagon) are at their peak in Azalea Woods, Enchanted Woods, and, more sparsely, in other areas of the garden.  Catch them now. Their bloom is brief but beautiful.
  • Primroses:  The candelabra primroses (Primula species) are still creating a colorful show of orange in full bloom and red, pink, and white in petal fall in the Quarry Garden.
  • Escape the heat:  The glade from the March Walk to the Icewell Terrace walk is an ocean of green ferns that, together with the tree canopy, create a cool oasis.  Try it!
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

fbb       Catalpa bignonioides (Common catalpa – white)

fb         Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa – white)

pf         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Ehretia ovalifolia (Heliotrope tree – ivory)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

b          Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

fbb       Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pb        Houstonia caerulia (Bluets – pale blue to white)

pb        Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Ligustrum species (Privet – white)

pf         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb,+     Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pf         Rosa species (Rose – white)

fb         Rumex species (Dock – rusty-red spike)

fb         Sambucus species (Elderberry – white)

pb        Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Vicia cracca (Cow vetch – purple)


b          Hemerocallis species (Daylily – yellow)


pf         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white)

fb         Digitalis grandiflora (Large yellow foxglove – light yellow)

b          Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

pf         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron – purple)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid ‘Soft Mauve’ (Rhododendron – light mauve)


fb         Euonymus bungeanus variety semipersistens (Spindletree – greenish)

b          Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

b          Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – pale yellow, bronze)

fb         Rhododendron discolor (Mandarin rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid ‘Soft Mauve’ (Rhododendron – light mauve)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Robert Allison’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pale mauve pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron species (Native azalea – coral-red)

pb        Stewartia 3048 (Stewartia – white)


fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Rhododendron catawbiense hybrid ‘Late lavender’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

pf         Rhododendron fortuneii hybrid ‘Soft Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender)


pb        Kolkwitzia amabilis (Beauty bush – light pink)

pf         Nepeta faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ (Catmint – blue)

pb        Paeonia varieties (Peony – bright red, pink, bright pink, pale pink, white)

fb         Pterostyrax hispidus (Fragrant epaulette tree – white)

pb        Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)


fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb,+     Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’ (Rhododendron variety – white with yellow top petal)

pf         Rhododendron discolor (Mandarin rhododendron – white)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #66 ‘Late Rose Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – rose-pink)

fb         Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow rue – white)


pb        Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

pb        Rhododendron kampferi ‘Red/Pink’ (Kampeferi hybrid azalea – red-pink)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Pippin’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – orange)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

b          Viola species (Violet – white)


fb         Deutzia species (Deutzia – white)

b          Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


fbb       Callicarpa species (Beautyberry – purple)

pb        Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)

fb         Euonymus bungeanus variety semipersistens (Spindletree – greenish)

b          Hemerocallis variety (Daylily – golden yellow – at Bath House)

b          Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white – 1 flower at top)


pf         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fbb       Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Hybrid rhododendron – pale lavender to white)

fb         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

fbb       Yucca filamentosa (Adam’s needle – creamy-white)


fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Aegopodium podagraria – Bishop’s weed – white)

fbb       Astilbe species (Astilbe)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fbb       Hemerocalllis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fb         Iris ‘Clyde Redmond’ (Clyde Redmond iris – blue)

fb         Iris versicolor (Blue flag iris – violet-blue)

fb         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, wine red)

fb         Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)

pb        Viola species (Violet – white)


b          Aconitum species (Monkshood – white)

fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

pf         Aruncus dioicus (Goatsbeard – white)

fbb       Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

pb        Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pb        Syneilesis palmata (Shredded umbrella plant – off-white)

pb        Viola species (Violet – white)


fb         Aconitum species (Monkshood – white)

fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Astilbe biternata (False goat’s beard – white)

pb        Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

b          Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

fbb       Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fbb       Hydrangea quercifolia (Oak-leaf hydrangea – white)

b          Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire variety – white)

pf         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white – in stream)

fb         Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – light pink)

pb        Viola species (Violet – white)


pb        Rhododendron ‘Homebush’ (Deciduous azalea – red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Pallas’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – red with orange flame)

fb         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – pink)


fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – golden orange)

pb        Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, coral-pink)


fb         Astilbe ‘Peach Blossom’ (Astilbe – pale pink – at Latimeria Gates)

pb        Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – red, peach)

pf         Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

ber       Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – green fruits)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

pf         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pf         Rhododendron 1079 (Azalea – red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron 1087 (Azalea – golden orange)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Anna’s Smile’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pink)

fb         Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Deep Rose’ (Deciduous hybrid azalea)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Memento’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple, white, white with purple stripes)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Lilacina’ (Snow azalea hybrid – rosy purple)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Siskin’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – golden yellow)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


b          Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pf         Geranium cantabrigiensis ‘Biokovo’ (Perennial geranium variety – white)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

fb         Spiraea japonica (Spiraea – pink)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea coral-pink)


fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

b          Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hills of Snow’ (Smooth hydrangea variety – white)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta (Blue Wave hydrangea variety – soft blue)

b          Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Preziosa’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – lavender to pink to mauve rose)

b          Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

b          Rhododendron J.T. Lovett (Indica hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

b          Rhododendron cumberlandense ‘Sunlight’ (Cumberland azalea variety – golden orange)

pf         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, dark pink, light coral)

fb         Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)


fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red at Quarry stream)

fb         Rhododendron bakeri (Cumberland azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron cumberlandense (Cumberland azalea – medium orange)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

OAH HILL-West Side

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white – in meadow)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

pf         Deutzia x candelabrum (Deutzia – white)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white)

fb         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

pb        Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Buccaneer’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – double orange)

pb        Rododendron keampferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral, dark pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Mrs. CC Miller’ (Gable hybrid azalea (double red-orange)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Scout’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pb        Weigela florida (Weigela – white)


b          Astilbe thunbergia ‘Ostrich Plume’ (Astilbe varieties – pink, white)

b          Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’ (Glaucous plantain lily – white)

pb        Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Kalmia ‘Pink Cherry’ (Mountain laurel variety – dark pink flowers)

fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – golden yellow, wine red)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – orange)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

pf         Rodgersia podophylla (Bronze-leaf rodgersia – off-white)

fb         Spigelia marylandica (Indian pink – red with yellow center)


pb        Abelia moanensis (Fragrant abelia – white)

b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fbb       Catalpa bignonioides (Common catalpa – white)

fb         Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fbb       Deutzia chunii (Chunii deutzia – white)

fb         Deutzia species (Deutzia – white)

pf         Deutzia x magnifica (Showy deutzia – double white)

fb         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fb         Leptodermis oblonga (Chinese leptodermis – lavender)

fb         Magnolia sieboldii ’Colossus’ (Oyama magnolia – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

fb,+     Rosa MEIvahn (Meidiland rose – white – at Brick Overlook folly)

fb         Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (‘New Dawn’ rose – palest pink)

pf         Rosa ‘Pink Leda’ (Damask rose hybrid – pink – at Bristol Folly)

fb         Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

fb         Rosa ‘White Dawn’ (White Dawn rose – white)

b          Spiraea x ‘Margaritae’ (Margarita spiraea – shades of pink)

pb        Stewartia rostrata (Beaked stewartia – white)

fb         Syringa retusis (Tree lilac – off-white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’ (Smooth witherod variety – white)

fb         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

fb         Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white – along Clenny Run)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white – near Museum Gallery wall)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – green)

fbb       Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

pb        Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – in Clenny Run)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Beni Kurishimi’ (Satsuma azalea hybrid – double red-orange – behind Cottage)

fb         Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron hybrid – purple)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender to white)


b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown – at far edge of parking lot)

b          Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ (Daylily variety – yellow)

b          Hosta lancifolia (Narrow-leaved hosta – purple – few plants)

fbb       Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea)

b          Lathyrus latifolius (Perennial sweet pea – fuchsia)

fb         Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – blue, white, pink)      

pb        Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

fb         Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

fb         Sedum sarmentosum (Stonecrop – yellow)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fbb       Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fbb       Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white – along stream)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Ligustrum species (Privet – white)

pf         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb         Lysimachia nummularia (Moneywort – bright yellow – very close to the ground)

pf         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

pb        Rosa species (Rose – white)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fbb       Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

b          Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Catalpa #2958 (Catalpa – white)

fb         Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

fb,+     Penstemon digitalis (Beardtongue – white)

pb        Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

pb        Potentilla recta (Rough-fruited cinquefoil – pale yellow)

pb        Rosa species (Rose – white)

b          Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle – pale lavender to white ‘stars’)

pf         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report 22

Bloom Report #22

June 1, 2022
83 F, Sunny


Check these out:

  • Roses – hot & cool!: The roses on Sycamore Hill are in full bloom this week.  The bright reds of ‘Bess Lovett’ and ‘Radwin’ are bright beacons along the fence, and the pale colors of damask rose ‘Pink Leda’ (Rosa ‘Pink Leda’) and white Meidiland rose MEIvahyn) add to the serenity of the follies along with palest pink New Dawn rose (Rosa ‘New Dawn’) along the fence.
  • White clouds:  The drifts of Kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) blossoms hover above the white clouds of deutzias (Deutzia species, Deutzia scabra, Deutzia x magnifica) on Sycamore Hill, Oak Hill and in smaller displays throughout the Gardens.
  • Lilies:  The martagon lilies (Lilium martagon) are starting to bloom in Azalea Woods, Enchanted Woods, and, more sparsely, in other areas of the garden.
  • Primroses:  The candelabra primroses (Primula species) are still creating a colorful show of orange in full bloom and red, pink, and white in petal fall in the Quarry Garden.
  • Escape the heat:  The glade from the March Walk to the Icewell Terrace walk is an ocean of green ferns that, together with the tree canopy, create a cool oasis.  Try it!
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The petal-dropping airy white umbels of viburnums (mostly Viburnum dilatatum – linden viburnum & some Viburnum dentatum – arrowwood viburnum) are found throughout the Gardens and Estate this week.
    • The yellow, green & orange flowers of tulip poplars (Liriodendron tulipifera) can be seen on the trees & also on the ground.  Look up or down to see them.
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • The purple, lavender, and white flowers of Dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis) are present in lesser or greater abundance in the gardens and fields.
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

b          Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa – white)

fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fbb       Ehretia ovalifolia (Heliotrope tree – ivory)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

b          Hosta species (Hosta – pale lavender)

pb        Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

fb         Verbascum species (Moth mullein – yellow)


fb         Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

b          Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pb        Houstonia caerulia (Bluets – pale blue to white)

pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Iris species (Iris – light blue)

fb         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb,+     Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pf         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Rosa species (Rose – white)

pf         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage –pale blue)

pb        Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

fb         Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)


fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white)

fb         Digitalis grandiflora (Large yellow foxglove – light yellow)

fbb       Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

pb        Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fbb       Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron – purple)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid ‘Soft Mauve’ (Rhododendron – light mauve)

pb        Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (American wisteria variety – lavender)


pf         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

b          Euonymus bungeanus variety semipersistens (Spindletree – greenish)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pb        Primula species (Primrose – red, pink, white – along Garden Tram road)

fbb       Rhododendron discolor (Mandarin rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid ‘Soft Mauve’ (Rhododendron – light mauve)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Robert Allison’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pale mauve pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron species (Native azalea – coral-red)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #51 (Rhododendron – ‘Late Dark Mauve’ – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Stewartia 3048 (Stewartia – white)


fb         Rhododendron fortuneii hybrid ‘Soft Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender)


pb        Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Winterthur Torch’ (Torch azalea hybrid – coral-orange)


pf         Kolkwitzia amabilis (Beauty bush – light pink)

fb         Nepeta faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ (Catmint – blue)

pf         Paeonia varieties (Peony – bright red, pink, bright pink, pale pink, white)

fb         Pterostyrax hispidus (Fragrant epaulette tree – white)

pb        Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)


fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

b          Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, white)

pb        Rhododendron 4-3-1 (Rhododendron – palest pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’ (Rhododendron variety – white with yellow top petal)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Crest’ (Rhododendron variety – light cerise)

fb         Rhododendron discolor (Mandarin rhododendron – white)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – ‘Large Late Red’)

pb        Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Lady Eleanor Cathcart’ (Rhododendron variety – red buds/pink flowers)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #01 (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #59 ‘Pink Mauve Dark Eye’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #66 ‘Late Rose Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – rose-pink)


pb        Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Iris siberica (Siberian iris – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron kampferi ‘Red/Pink’ (Kampeferi hybrid azalea – red-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pippin’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – orange)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

b          Viola species (Violet – white)


pb        Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink – 1 flower)

fbb       Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white)


pf         Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)

fb         Euonymus bungeanus variety semipersistens (Spindletree – greenish)

b          Hemerocallis variety (Daylily – golden yellow – at Bath House)

b          Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia – white – 1 flower at top)


pf         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fbb       Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

b          Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white – new plantings)

fb         Rhododendron maximum hybrid (Hybrid rhododendron – pale lavender to white)

b          Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

fbb       Yucca filamentosa (Adam’s needle – creamy-white)


fb         Aegopodium podagraria – Bishop’s weed – white)

pb        Cymbalaria muralis (Kenilworth ivy – pale lavender to white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fbb       Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

pb        Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white, purple)

fb         Iris ‘Clyde Redmond’ (Clyde Redmond irir – blue)

pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Iris ‘Purple Fan’ (Iris variety – purple)

fb         Iris versicolor (Blue flag iris – violet-blue)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white, purple)

fb         Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)

pb        Viola species (Violet – white)


b          Aconitum species (Monkshood – white)

fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

pb        Aquilegia variety (Columbine – wine red & cream)

fb         Aruncus dioicus (Goatsbeard – white)

fbb       Hemerocallis fulva (Daylily – orange)

pb        Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

b          Syneilesis palmata (Shredded umbrella plant – off-white)

pb        Viola species (Violet – white)


fb         Aegopodium podagraria (Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Astilbe biternata (False goat’s beard – white)

pb        Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fbb       Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth hydrangea – white)

fbb       Hydrangea quercifolia (Oak-leaf hydrangea – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white – in stream)

fb         Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – light pink)


pf         Buddleia alternifolia (Alternate leaf butterfly bush – lilac)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Homebush’ (Deciduous azalea – red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Pallas’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – red with orange flame)

fb         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


pf         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pf         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – pink)


fbb       Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh – white)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pf         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

pf         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, coral-pink)

pb        Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – white)


pb        Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

pf         Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

ber       Chaenomeles varieties (Flowering quince – green fruits)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pb        Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1079 (Azalea – red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron 1085 (Azalea – light golden orange)

pf         Rhododendron 1087 (Azalea – golden orange)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Anna’s Smile’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pink)

fb         Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Deep Rose’ (Deciduous hybrid azalea)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Late Pink’ (Hybrid azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Memento’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple, white, white with purple stripes)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Lilacina’ (Snow azalea hybrid – rosy purple)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Siskin’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – golden yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Wavelet’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pf         Styrax japonicus (Japanese snowbell – white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

b          Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Geranium cantabrigiensis ‘Biokovo’ (Perennial geranium variety – white)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea coral-pink – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)

fb         Viburnum dilatatum ‘Xanthocarpum’ (Yellow-berried viburnum – white)


pb        Chionanthus retusis – Chinese fringe tree – white)

fbb       Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hills of Snow’ (Smooth hydrangea variety – white)

fbb       Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta (Blue Wave hydrangea variety – soft blue)

fbb       Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Preziosa’ (Bigleaf hydrangea variety – lavender to pink to mauve rose)

fbb       Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea – white)

b          Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze, pink)

fb         Rhododendron catawbiense var. minus (Rhododendron – light pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fbb       Rhododendron J.T. Lovett (Indica hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, dark pink, light coral)

b          Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

pb        Weigela varieties (Weigela – pink, dark pink)


pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – at Quarry stream)

fb         Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – bronze)

pb        Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pf         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red at Quarry stream)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Viburnum dilatatum ‘Xanthocarpum’ (Yellow-berried viburnum – white)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white – in meadow)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

pf         Deutzia x candelabrum (Deutzia – white)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white)

pb        Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – off-white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Alice Sargent’ (Sanders hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Buccaneer’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – double orange)

fb         Rododendron keampferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral, dark pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Mrs. CC Miller’ (Gable hybrid azalea (double red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Scout’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pf         Weigela florida (Weigela – white)


fbb       Astilbe thunbergia ‘Ostrich Plume’ (Astilbe varieties – pink, white)

pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Kalmia ‘Pink Cherry’ (Mountain laurel variety – dark pink flowers)

b          Lilium martagon (Martagon lily – golden yellow)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

pf,+     Primula species (Candelabra primrose – orange, red, pink, white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

pb        Rhododendron species (Native azalea – bright pink)

fb         Rodgersia podophylla (Bronze-leaf rodgersia – off-white)


pb        Abelia moanensis (Fragrant abelia – white)

pf         Buddleia alternifolia (Alternate leaf butterfly bush – lilac)

pf         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

b          Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Cotoneaster salicifolia (Willow-leaf cotoneaster – white)

fb         Deutzia species (Deutzia – white)

fb         Deutzia x magnifica (Showy deutzia – double white)

fb         Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fbb       Leptodermis oblonga (Chinese leptodermis – lavender)

fb         Magnolia sieboldii ’Colossus’ (Oyama magnolia – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Content’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Martha Hitchcock’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple edge with pink interior)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

fb         Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

fb         Rosa MEIvahn (Meidiland rose – white – at Brick Overlook folly)

fb         Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (‘New Dawn’ rose – palest pink)

fb         Rosa ‘Pink Leda’ (Damask rose hybrid – pink – at Bristol Folly)

fb         Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

fbb       Spiraea x ‘Margaritae’ (Margarita spiraea – shades of pink)

pf         Stewartia rostrata (Beaked stewartia – white)

pb        Syringa species (Lilac – pale lavender-pink, white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fbb       Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’ (Smooth witherod variety – white)

fb         Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

fb         Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white – along Clenny Run)

fb         Deutzia scabra (Fuzzy deutzia – white – near Museum Gallery wall)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – green)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – in Clenny Run)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

pf         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Beni Kurishimi’ (Satsuma azalea hybrid – double red-orange – behind Cottage)

b          Rhododendron hybrid ‘Late Purple’ (Rhododendron hybrid – purple)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender to white)


pf         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown – at far edge of parking lot)

fbb       Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ (Daylily variety – yellow)

b          Hosta lancifolia (Narrow-leaved hosta – purple – few plants)

b          Lathyrus latifolius (Perennial sweet pea – fuchsia)

b          Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist – blue, white, pink)      

pf         Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

fb         Raphanus raphanistrum subspecies sativus (Radish – in corner of parking lot at Brown Center)

pf         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (‘Torch’ azalea hybrid – orange – at parking lot)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #47 ‘Late Mauve’ (Hybrid tree rhododendron – mauve – at parking lot entry)

fb         Sedum sarmentosum (Stonecrop – yellow)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fbb       Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fb         Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

b          Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

pf         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Ligustrum species (Privet – white)

fb         Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle – white)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rosa species (Rose – white)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fbb       Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading dogbane – white)

fbb       Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

fb         Galium mollugo (Wild madder – white ‘clouds’ of tiny flowers)

pf         Hieracium species (Hawkweek – yellow)

pf         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

fb,+     Penstemon digitalis (Beardtongue – white)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Potentilla recta (Rough-fruited cinquefoil – pale yellow)

fb         Rosa species (Rose – white)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage –pale blue)

fb         Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Too Tall for the Shelf

This towering clock by the renowned Peter Stretch stands as the most beautiful example of a tall case clock ever made in America.

Many would call it a grandfather clock, but the label would hardly do it justice, as demonstrated by its place of pride in a space already filled with premium examples of exceptional American craftsmanship.

Walk through the main gallery entrance, turn left, and there it stands front and center. The clock was made between 1730 and 1745 by leading clockmaker Peter Stretch of Philadelphia. It was commissioned by merchant Clement Plumsted (1680-1745) or his son, William Plumsted (1708-1765), to make an impression.

One of about 60 known examples of clocks by Peter Stretch, Winterthur’s clock stands out.

 “He’s saying, ‘I am a man of means. I have a lot of capital at my disposal. I’m successful. I can command these resources. I can order, pay for, and ship the mahogany. I have that that global power at my fingertips,’” says Josh Lane, the Lois F. and Henry S. McNeil Curator of Furniture.

One of about 60 known examples of clocks by Stretch, Winterthur’s clock stands out. The heart of the object is the eight-day, weight-powered works. The arched brass dial is beautifully engraved with urn, bird, and fleur-de-lis motifs and the corners are embellished with cast brass spandrels. Roman and Arabic numerals on the large chapter ring mark hours and minutes and Arabic numerals on a small chapter ring mark seconds. A small square aperture reveals the day of the month. A moon phase dial with numbered edge shows the waxing and waning of the moon and timing of the tides. An oval plate bears the engraved signature of the maker.

“The movement has all the bells and whistles that you would expect a Philadelphia-based merchant would want,” Lane says. “The tide dial is geared toward Philadelphia mercantile ocean-going activity. There were other, more complicated and more expensive works made in the period, but it’s the combination of this movement in this case that puts it over the top. It is probably the most elaborate and beautiful case ever made in America.”

Standing more than eight feet tall, the case is distinguished by magnificent carving. An arched hood is surmounted by an ogee sarcophagus top carved with floral and foliate designs surmounted by three flame-and-urn finials. The cornice molding features egg-and-dart carved molding, dentil course, and blind fretwork incorporating the Plumsted coat of arms supported by rampant lions. Colonnettes with Corinthian capitals grace the sides of the hood.

The exact identity of the case maker is not known, but it may be Philadelphia cabinetmaker John Head, based on comparison with other examples of his work. Stretch may have worked with the cabinetmaker directly, or Plumstead may have commissioned the case based on his desires and tastes, a common practice at the time.

“It’s very elaborate, over-the-top, expensive, time-consuming workmanship,” Lane says. “The clock is really an extraordinary architectonic statement. No other compares.”

Born in England, Peter Stretch (1670–1746) learned his trade there and then immigrated to Philadelphia in 1702. He quickly became the city’s most prominent clockmaker and was commissioned by Philadelphia’s Common Council to work on the town clock in 1717. His sons followed him into the trade, although they were not as prolific.

Stretch’s shop stood across Chestnut Street from the Plumsted home. This clock remained in the Plumsted family until it was purchased by a private collector in 1943. Winterthur acquired the clock at auction in October 2004.

So why do we call such amazing tall clocks “grandfather clocks,” when it seems as though the term sometimes diminishes their beauty and importance? Thank a wave of nostalgia for the early days of the Republic, after the American Civil War, when people left the cities for new opportunities across the expanding country, and new value was placed on old objects. When popular composer and songwriter Henry Clay Work penned “The Grandfather Clock” in 1875, it forever changed the common name of the tall case clock:

My grandfather’s clock was too tall for the shelf
So it stood ninety years on the floor
It was taller by half than the old man himself
But it weighed not a pennyweight more
It was bought on the morn that my grandfather was born
And was always his treasure and pride
But it stopped short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Henry Francis du Pont Collectors Circle, the Centenary Fund, Mrs. C. Lalor Burdick, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Chilton, Jr, Mrs. Robert N. Downs III, Mr. William K. du Pont, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Fiechter III, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herdeg, The Hohmann Foundation, Family of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords, Jr, Kaufman Americana Foundation, Mrs. George M. Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Barron U. Kidd, Charles Pollak, Peter A. Pollak, Suzanne W. Pollak, Mr. and Mrs. P. Coleman Townsend, Jr, anonymous donors (2), and numerous friends.

To learn more about this clock and others made by Peter Stretch and his sons, see Stretch, America’s First Family of Clockmakers by Donald L. Fennimore and Frank Hohman III, which is available at the Museum Store, or visit the clock in the first-floor gallery.

Winterthur Bloom Report 21

Bloom Report #21

May 25, 2022
73 F, Sunny

Rhododendron #16 (Small Single White)

Check these out:

  • Terrific ‘Torch’ azaleas:  The brilliant blooms of ‘Torch’ azaleas (Rhododendron kaempferi & hybrids) are lighting up Icewell Terrace and the adjoining edges of Enchanted Woods and Oak Hill.
  • Primroses:  The candelabra primroses (Primula species) are brightening the path along the Winterhazel Walk and creating a stunning tapestry of red, pink, orange, and white in the Quarry Garden.
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The airy white umbels of viburnums (mostly Viburnum dilatatum – linden viburnum & some Viburnum dentatum – arrowwood viburnum) are found throughout the Gardens and Estate this week.
    • The yellow, green & orange flowers of tulip poplars (Liriodendron tulipifera) can be seen on the trees & also on the ground.  Look up or down to see them.
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • The purple, lavender, and white flowers of Dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis) are present in lesser or greater abundance in the gardens and fields.
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


fbb       Achillea millefolium (Yarrow – white)

fb         Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild chervil – white)

pf         Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white)

fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Lonicera species (Bush honeysuckle – white)

fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 (Rhododendron hybrid – light pink)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #34 (Rhododendron hybrid – rose pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #37 (Rhododendron hybrid – pink)

fb         Spiraea trilobata (Three lobed spiraea – white)  

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)


b          Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

fb         Houstonia caerulia (Bluets – pale blue to white)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Iris species (Iris – light blue)

fb,+     Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

fb         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage –pale blue)

pf         Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

fb         Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)


fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fbb       Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pf         Lonicera species (Bush honeysuckle – white)

fbb       Rhododendron maximum hybrid ‘Soft Mauve’ (Tree rhododendron – light mauve)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – white)

pf         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow – 2 plants)

fb         Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (American wisteria variety – lavender)


fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

pf         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white to lavender)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pb        Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Primula species (Primrose – red, pink, white – along Garden Tram road)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Cherry Blossom’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink – along Garden Tram road)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Robert Allison’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pale mauve pink to white)

pb        Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #36 (Hybrid rhododendron – purple – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #51 (Rhododendron – ‘Late Dark Mauve’ – along Garden Tram road)


pf         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white)

pf         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pb        Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Caroline’ (Rhododendron variety – pink)

fb         Rhododendron fortuneii hybrid ‘Soft Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)


fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Winterthur Torch’ (Torch azalea hybrid – coral-orange)

pb        Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


p          Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – greenish)

fb         Iris siberica (Siberian iris – purple)

fb         Kolkwitzia amabilis (Beauty bush – light pink)

pf         Paeonia suffruticosa (Tree peony – wine red, bright red, pale pink, white, yellow)

fb/pf    Paeonia varieties (Peony – bright red, pink, bright pink, pale pink, white)

fbb       Pterostyrax hispidus (Fragrant epaulette tree – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

pf         Weigela florida var. venusta (Weigela variety – pink)


fb         Aquilegia variety (Columbine – deep purple)

pf         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, white)

pb        Rhododendron #43 (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron 4-3-1 (Rhododendron – palest pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron 5-2-4 ‘Light Pink’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Caroline’ (Rhododendron variety – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’ (Rhododendron variety – white with yellow top petal)

fb         Rhododendron ‘County of York’ (Rhododendron variety – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Crest’ (Rhododendron variety – light cerise)

pb        Rhododendron Dexter #10 (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – mauve-pink)

pb        Rhododendron Gable 5-64 (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pale lavender-pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hal Bruce’ (Rhododendron – palest pink with yellow throat)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Janet Blair’ (Rhododendron variety – pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – ‘Large Late Red’)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Lady Eleanor Cathcart’ (Rhododendron variety – red buds/pink flowers)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Princess Elizabeth’ (Rhododendron variety – dark red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron vernicosum (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Violetta’ (Rhododendron variety – lavender with wine red ‘blaze’)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 ‘Tan’ (Hybrid rhododendron – off-white)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #41 ‘Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – mauve)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #50 ‘Late Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink-mauve)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #54 ‘Good Pink’ (Rhododendron – pink)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #57 ‘Pale Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #59 ‘Pink Mauve Dark Eye’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)


pb        Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)

fb         Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

fb         Iris siberica (Siberian iris – white)

pb        Iris siberica ‘Perry’s Blue’ (Siberian iris variety – purple)

pb        Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Catalode’ (Rhododendron variety – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Dark Mahogany’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark mahogany-red)

pf         Rhododendron ‘H.F. duPont’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – dark red)

pf         Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron kampferi ‘Red/Pink’ (Kampeferi hybrid azalea – red-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Merley Cream’ (Rhododendron variety – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Sherwood Red’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #33 ‘Dark Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – dark mauve)

pf         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

b          Viola species (Violet – white)


pb        Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Delaware Valley White’ (Southern Indian hybrid azalea – white)


fb         Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white – along Clenny Run)


fb         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

pb        Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

pb        Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

b          Hydrangea serrata ‘Shirofugi’ (Tea of Heaven hydrangea cultivar – white – new plantings)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fbb       Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese hydrangea vine – white)

pf         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


fb         Aegopodium podagraria – Bishop’s weed – white)

fb         Cymbalaria muralis (Kenilworth ivy – pale lavender to white)

fb         Dicentra eximia (Fern-leaf bleeding heart – pale pink)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pf         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white, purple)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Iris ‘Purple Flame’ (Iris variety – purple)

b          Iris versicolor (Blue flag iris – violet-blue)

pf         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white, purple)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Kaempferi azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)

pb        Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)  


b          Aquilegia variety (Columbine – wine red & cream)

pb        Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Kaempferi azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pf         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

fbb       Syneilesis palmata (Shredded umbrella plant – off-white)


pf         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

pb        Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’ (Saucer magnolia variety – rose)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white – in stream)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pb        Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

pb        Rhododendron #05 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pink)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

b          Thalictrum rochebrunianum (Rue – lavender)

pf         Viola species (Violet – white)


fb         Buddleia alternifolia (Alternate leaf butterfly bush – lilac)

fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Carol Kittel’ (Marsh Point azalea variety – double pale lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Homebush’ (Deciduous azalea – red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Madame Butterfly’ (Deerfield hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Pallas’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – red with orange flame)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Treasure’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – white)

b          Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


pb        Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – greenish)

fb         Hieracium species (Hawkweed – yellow)

pb        Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb,+     Primula species (Candelabra primrose – pink)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum ‘Summer Snowflake’ (Doublefile viburnum variety – white)


fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pb        Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, coral-pink)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

fb         Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

pf         Chionanthus virginicus (American fringe tree – white)

pb        Cotoneaster hupehensis (Hupeh cotoneaster – white)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

fb         Pyracantha ‘Mohave’ (Firethorn – white)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pb        Rhododendron 1064 (Azalea – double light yellow)

pb        Rhododendron 1069 (Azalea – yellow with red tinge)

pb        Rhododendron 1073 (Azalea – medium orange)

pf         Rhododendron 1077 (Azalea – pale creamy yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1083 (Azalea – light orange)

fb         Rhododendron 1085 (Azalea – light golden orange)

fb         Rhododendron 1086 (Azalea – peach with golden-orange top petal)

fb         Rhododendron 1087 (Azalea – golden orange)

fb         Rhododnedron 1148 (Gable hybrid azalea – rose-purple)

pb        Rhododendron 1167 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)

b          Rhododendron ‘Anna’s Smile’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Blaau’s Pink’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

pb        Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

pf         Rhododendron calendulaceum ‘Smokey Mountaineer’ (Smokey Mountain flame azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron canescens (Southern pinxterbloom azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Charlotte Weiss’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Daviesi’ (Deciduous azalea variety – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Deep Rose’ (Deciduous hybrid azalea)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – coral pink)

pb        Rhododendron flammeum x canescens (Oconee azalea hybrid – pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Gaiety’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Guy Yerkes’ (Yerkes Pryor hybrid azalea – double light pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Iora’ (Knaphill hybrid azalea – light peach)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Killarney’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Late Pink’ (Hybrid azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Lemon Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Lullaby’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

pb        Rhododendron luteum (Pontic azalea – yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Marydel’ (Deciduous azalea variety – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Memento’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple, white, white with purple stripes)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Northern Hi-Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale yellow with golden top petal)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Paradise’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pirate’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – orange-red)

fb         Rhododendron prinophyllum (Roseshell azalea – pink)

pf         Rhododendron prinophyllum hybrid (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

pf         Rhododendron prinophyllum x atlanticum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Sea Breeze’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Siskin’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Soir de Paris’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Wavelet’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

fb         Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

fb         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Amethystinum’ (Snow azalea variety – pale lavender to white)

pb        Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – white – few blossoms)

pf         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea coral-pink – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)

fb         Viburnum dilatatum ‘Xanthocarpum’ (Yellow-berried viburnum – white)


pf         Actaea pachypoda (Doll’s eyes – white)

fb         Chionanthus retusis – Chinese fringe tree – white)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

pb        Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Alight’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white with purple)

2pb      Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, dark pink, light coral)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Weigela varieties (Weigela – pink, dark pink)


pb        Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – at Quarry stream)

pb        Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pb        Primula species (Candelabra primrose – dark pink)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red at Quarry stream)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pb        Rhododendron Dexter #35-D (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pale peach)

pb        Rhododendron Dexter #58 ‘Late Pink Hybrid’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron)

pf         Rhododendron alabamense (Alabama Piedmont azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron speciosum x canescens (Native azalea hybrid – light pink)

pb        Rhododendron variety (Native azalea – light golden yellow)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Styrax obassia (Fragrant snowbell – white)

fb         Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, pale lavender, purple)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb         Viburnum dilatatum ‘Xanthocarpum’ (Yellow-berried viburnum – white)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Deutzia x candelabrum (Deutzia – white)

pf         Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – off-white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

ber       Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy orange – dark green ‘fuzzy’ fruits)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Alice Sargent’ (Sanders hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Buccaneer’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – double orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Fairy Bells’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – cerise)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Freedom’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral with dark red ‘blaze’)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Glamour’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron Glenn Dale hybrid (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Mrs. CC Miller’ (Gable hybrid azalea (double red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Scout’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Wilhemina Vuyk’ (Vuyk hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

pf         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pb        Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Weigela florida (Weigela – white)


fb         Dicentra eximia (Fern-leaf bleeding heart – pink)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

b          Iris species (Iris – blue)

fbb       Kalmia ‘Pink Cherry’ (Mountain laurel variety – bright red buds, dark pink flowers)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

pb        Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb,++   Primula species (Candelabra primrose – orange, red, pink, white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron species (Native azalea – bright pink)

fb         Rodgersia podophylla  (Bronze-leaf rodgersia – off-white)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)


pf         Abelia moanensis (Fragrant abelia – white)

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Buddleia alternifolia (Alternate leaf butterfly bush – lilac)

pf         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fb         Chionanthus virginicus (American fringe tree – white)

pb        Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white)

fb         Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fbb       Cotoneaster salicifolia (Willow-leaf cotoneaster – white)

fb         Deutzia x magnifica (Showy deutzia – double white)

b          Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

b          Magnolia sieboldii ’Colossus’ (Oyama magnolia – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Content’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Martha Hitchcock’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple edge with pink interior)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

fb         Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

b          Rosa ‘Radwin’ (Winner’s Circle rose – red)

fb         Styrax obassia (Fragrant snowbell – white)

fb         Syringa species (Lilac – pale lavender-pink, white)

pb        Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

pb        Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

b          Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

fb         Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Aesculus x carnea ‘Bristii’ (Red horse chestnut – salmon-pink)

pb        Bignonia capriolata (Cross vine – red outside, yellow inside)

pf         Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white – along Clenny Run)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – green)

pf         Ilex opaca (American holly – off-white)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – in Clenny Run)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – coral-pink)

fbb       Rhododendron maximum (Rhododendron – pale lavender to white)


fb         Amsonia hubrichtii (Bluestar – pale blue)

pf         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown – at far edge of parking lot)   

pf         Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (‘Torch’ azalea hybrid – orange – at parking lot)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #47 ‘Late Mauve’ (Hybrid tree rhododendron – mauve – at parking lot entry)

b          Sedum sarmentosum (Stonecrop – yellow)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

b          Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye daisy – white)

b          Coronilla varia (Crown-vetch – pink)

fb         Iris species (Iris – purple)

fbb       Ligustrum species ({rivet – white)

fb         Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

b          Rosa species (Rose – white)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage – pale blue)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fbb       Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed – lavender)

pb        Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Oxalis species (Wood sorrel – yellow)

b          Penstemon digitalis (Beardtongue – white)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Potentilla recta (Rough-fruited cinquefoil – pale yellow)

pf         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage –pale blue)

pb        Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

fb         Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)

fb         Trifolium pratense (Red clover – reddish-purple)

fb,+     Trifolium procumbens (Smaller hop-clover – yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Liberty for All?

A unique museum object represents a history of strong responses to complex issues.

A recent acquisition now displayed in the Winterthur galleries asks viewers to consider this question:

Are violence and conflict over voter suppression new?

Now part of the Bearing Witness installation, the nearly 150-year-old Anna Pottery Liberty Monument vividly depicts its creators’ scathing criticisms of an incident known as the Colfax massacre. On Easter Sunday 1873, a white mob killed approximately 150 Black citizens of Colfax, Louisiana, as they surrendered after occupying the county courthouse. The Black citizens were defending the result of the 1872 gubernatorial election against an outraged White mob. The election was won by a proponent of recently guaranteed civil rights and voting rights for all.

The Liberty Monument was created by Wallace and Cornwall Kirkpatrick, the white owners of Anna Pottery in Anna, Illinois, from 1859 to 1896. Known to be socially progressive, the brothers were vocal about their views and often commented caustically on events and politics through their work.

The figure of Lady Liberty crowning the monument gives the work its contemporary name. Though the main scene depicted on the monument is the Colfax massacre, other figures represent the Kirkpatricks’ strong view of another Colfax: Schuyler Colfax, who, while vice president of the United States (1869–1873), was implicated in a scandal related to the financing of the Transcontinental Railroad. The monument also criticizes the great cost of the American Civil War, which the Kirkpatricks viewed as theatrical and ineffective in creating a United States in which all were truly free. Though sympathetic to the plight of Black people, the brothers depicted them through common racial stereotypes of the day.

Various accounts of the Colfax massacre were published in newspapers across the country. None of them are definitive. Considered by some to be the worst incident of racial violence in the Reconstruction era, Colfax nonetheless has been largely ignored by mainstream history books.

“The unique Liberty Monument demonstrates unusual skill on the parts of the makers, who typically produced useful wares such as crocks. Much more importantly, it illustrates how vital messages regarding social issues were disseminated via methods beyond the written word and published illustrations,” says Leslie B. Grigsby, senior curator of Ceramics and Glass at Winterthur. 

Winterthur acquired the Liberty Monument during the summer 2021 Crocker Farm auction of American stoneware and earthenware. The auction house described the commemorative work as “one of the greatest American ceramic discoveries to come to light in recent decades.”

Grigsby and Alexandra Deutsch, John L. and Marjorie P. McGraw Director of Collections at Winterthur, are working to create a multivocal interpretation for the object by engaging with scholars, students, and others to depict the multilayered history the monument represents.

“We expect the interpretation of this complex object to evolve over time,” Deutsch says. “We fully understand the responsibility we have when we present the challenging history this object represents.” 

See the Anna Pottery Liberty Monument (2021.0017) in the galleries as part of Bearing Witness, which considers the stories of underrepresented groups through history.

Object of the Month: Billiard Table

One of my dad’s favorite games is pool, so we had a table in our basement, and he taught me and my siblings to play when we were kids. I hadn’t played since I moved out six years ago, but then I got to know some new friends who played on a regular basis, and it’s been fun getting back into it. I like this table because it’s a large size that no one has had an opportunity to play on in a long time, and it’s unique for another reason—it’s the oldest American-made table. It also has a lot of presence; it fills up a room that is not small. My exposure to pool tables is fairly modern, so I’m not used to seeing a table with as much decoration in the wood. It’s pretty cool.

Made by John Shaw

Annapolis, Maryland, 1797-1800

Museum purchase 1958.0058

Mahogany, satinwood, rosewood, tulip poplar, pine

Aaron Morris, Preventative Conservator