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Winterthur Bloom Report 20

Bloom Report #20

May 18, 2022
70 F, Sunny

Japanese Primrose

Check these out:

  • Brightest Color – Primroses:  The candelabra primroses (Primula species) are brightening the path from the Koi Ponds in the Glade towards Magnolia Bend, the Winterhazel Walk, and creating a stunning tapestry of red, pink, orange, and white in the Quarry Garden.
  • Everywhere: But, listed only here:
    • The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are blooming throughout the Estate. 
    • The purple, lavender, and white flowers of Dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis) are present in lesser or greater abundance in the gardens and fields.
    • White clover (Trifolium repens) in the fields and lawns is providing nectar and pollen for the pollinators and nitrogen for the soil.


pf         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white)

fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Lonicera species (Bush honeysuckle – white)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 (Rhododendron hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #34 (Rhododendron hybrid – rose pink)

b          Spiraea trilobata (Three lobed spiraea – white)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)  


fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Houstonia caerulia (Bluets – pale blue to white)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fb         Iris species (Iris – light blue)

b          Myosotis scorpioides (Forget-me-not – blue – in Clenny Run)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

pf         Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

b          Sisyrinchium angustifolia (Blue-eyed grass – small dark blue ‘stars’)


fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fb         Lonicera species (Bush honeysuckle – white)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow – 2 plants)

fb         Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (American wisteria variety – lavender)


fb         Cornus florida ‘Venus’ (Dogwood variety – white)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – red, pink, white – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Cherry Blossom’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Rhododendron ‘David Gable’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – rose-pink)

pb        Rhododendron Kurume #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light coral)

pb        Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxterbloom azalea – pale pink to white)

pb        Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #36 (Hybrid rhododendron – purple – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)


b          Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Caroline’ (Rhododendron variety – pink)

fb         Rhododendron fortuneii hybrid ‘Soft Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)


pf,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf,+     Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pb        Rhododendron #6 (Kurume hybrid azalea – apple-blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


pb        Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

pf,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Iris siberica (Siberian iris – purple)

fb         Lonicera pileata (Privet honeysuckle – pale yellow)

fb         Kolkwitzia amabilis (Beauty bush – light pink)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Paeonia suffruticosa (Tree peony – wine red, bright red, pale pink, white, yellow)

fb         Paeonia varieties (Peony – bright red, pink, bright pink, pale pink, white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

pf         Rhododendron obtusum ‘Amoenum’ (Azalea variety – wine red)

fb         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

pf         Weigela florida var. venusta (Weigela variety – pink)


fb         Aquilegia variety (Columbine – deep purple)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pb        Halesia diptera var. magniflora (Two-winged silverbell variety – white)

pf         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue, white, pink)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

fb         Orobanche uniflorum (tiny off-white trumpet rising from the ground)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, white)

pb        Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

pf         Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

b          Rhododendron #2 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

pb        Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

pb        Rhododendron #43 (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

pf         Rhododendron 3-7-1 (Rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron 4-3-1 (Rhododendron – palest pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron 5-2-4 ‘Light Pink’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron)

b          Rhododendron ‘Ben Moseley’ (Dexter Moseley hybrid rhododendron – light rosy-purple with dark throat)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Betty Hume’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Caroline’ (Rhododendron variety – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘County of York’ (Tree rhododendron variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Crest’ (Tree rhododendron variety – light cerise)

pf         Rhododendron Dexter #10 (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – mauve-pink)

pf         Rhododendron Gable 5-64 (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pale lavender-pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Goldfort’ (Rhododendron – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Hal Bruce’ (Rhododendron – palest pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Janet Blair’ (Rhododendron variety – pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – ‘Large Late Red’)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Merley Cream’ (Rhododendron variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Princess Elizabeth’ (Rhododendron variety – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Scintillation’ (Rhododendron variety – light pink with golden upper petal)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron vernicosum (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Violetta’ (Rhododendron variety – lavender with wine red ‘blaze’)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Winterset White’ (Rhododendron – white)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #07 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 ‘Tan’ (Hybrid rhododendron – off-white)

pb        Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #27 ‘Dark Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – dark mauve)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #28 ‘Lavender Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – lavender mauve)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #35-C (Hybrid rhododendron – palest pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #37 (Hybrid rhododendron – light rose)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #41 ‘Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – mauve)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #50 ‘Late Pink Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink-mauve)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #54 ‘Good Pink’ (Rhododendron – pink)

pf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #57 ‘Pale Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pale pink)

b          Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)


pf         Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)f

fb         Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

fb         Iris siberica (Siberian iris – white)

fb         Iris siberica ‘Perry’s Blue’ (Siberian iris variety – purple)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pb        Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Bikini Island’ (Rhododendron variety – bright red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Catalode’ (Rhododendron variety – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Dark Mahogany’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark mahogany-red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Frances Shannon Racoff’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – rose pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘H.F. duPont’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Sherwood Red’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #33 ‘Dark Mauve’ (Hybrid rhododendron – dark mauve)

pf         Scilla litardieri (Amethyst squill – light blue)

fb         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)

b          Viola species (Violet – white)


pf         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

pb        Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink)

pf         Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

b          Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – pale yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Delaware Valley White’ (Southern Indian hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron minus variety carolinianum group (Dwarf rhododendron variety – white)

pb        Rhododendron variety (Azalea – rosy-purple)

pb        Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white – below Terrace wall)


fb         Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white – along Clenny Run)


fb         Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

pf         Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana (Dove tree variety – white)

pf         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

pf         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


pf         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

pf         Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Fairy wings – lavender)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

pb        Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

fb         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white, purple)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, purple)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white, purple)

pf         Rhododendron #10 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

pf         Rhododendron kaempferi (Kaempferi azalea – orange)

pb        Rhododendron minus variety carolinianum group (Dwarf rhododendron variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

b          Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry geranium – white)

fb         Sedum ternatum (Wild stonecrop – white)

pb        Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)  


pf         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue – at Museum entrance to walk)

b          Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – off-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pb        Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, purple)

pb        Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pf         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)


fb         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’ (Saucer magnolia variety – rose)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white – in stream)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pb        Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

pf         Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

pf         Rhododendron #05 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum var. minus (Dwarf Carolina rhododendron – light pink to white)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire berry – white)

pf         Syringa persica (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

pf         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)


fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Carol Kittel’ (Marsh Point azalea variety – double pale lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Homebush’ (Deciduous azalea – red)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Madame Butterfly’ (Deerfield hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pallas’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – red with orange flame)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Treasure’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – white)


pf         Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – greenish)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb,+     Primula species (Candelabra primrose – pink)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1076 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)


pf         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pb        Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

fbb       Lilium martagon (Martagon lily)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pb        Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, coral-pink)

b          Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

fb         Chaenomeles x superba ‘Perfecta’ (Flowering quince variety – light peach to ivory)

fb         Chionanthus virginicus (American fringe tree – white)

pf         Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Cotoneaster hupehensis (Hupeh cotoneaster – white)

pf,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Kerria japonica ‘Shannon’ (Japanese kerria variety – golden yellow)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1069 (Azalea – yellow with red tinge)

pf         Rhododendron 1074 (Azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron 1077 (Azalea – pale creamy yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron 1081 (Azalea – light golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1085 (Azalea – light golden orange)

pb        Rhododendron 1167 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)

pf         Rhododendron 2983 (Deciduous azalea – golden orange)

fb         Rhododendron atlanticum x austrinum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale orange)

pf         Rhododendron austrinum (Florida azalea – golden yellow with rose tinge)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Blaau’s Pink’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

fb         Rhododendron calendulaceum ‘Smokey Mountaineer’ (Smokey Mountain flame azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron calendulaceum ‘Tangelo’ (Flame azalea variety – orange)

fb         Rhododendron canescens (Southern pinxterbloom azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron carolinianum #03 (Azalea hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Daviesi’ (Deciduous azalea variety – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – coral pink)

pf         Rhododendron flammeum (Oconee azalea – light pink)

pf         Rhododendron flammeum ‘Apricot Speciosum’ (Oconee azalea variety – apricot)

fb         Rhododendron flammeum x canescens (Oconee azalea hybrid – pale pink)

pf         Rhododendron flammeum ‘Pink Speciosum’ (Oconee azalea variety – light pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Fujimanyo’ (Azalea variety – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Golden Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light orange with golden blaze)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Guy Yerkes’ (Yerkes Pryor hybrid azalea – double light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Iora’ (Knaphill hybrid azalea – light peach)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Lemon Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Lullaby’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

pf         Rhododendron luteum (Pontic azalea – yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Marydel’ (Deciduous azalea variety – pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Mayflower’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Memento’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple, white, white with purple stripes)

pb        Rhododendron Merritt #23 (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – pink) 

fb         Rhododendron ‘My Mary’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale yellow-orange)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Lilacina’ (Snow azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Northern Hi-Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale yellow with golden top petal)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Paradise’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral)

pb        Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxterbloom azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pirate’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – orange-red)

fbb       Rhododendron prinophyllum (Roseshell azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron prinophyllum hybrid (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron prinophyllum x atlanticum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron prinophyllum x atlanticum ‘Spring Breeze’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale pink)

pf         Rhododendron prinophyllum x periclymenoides (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Sarabande’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Sea Breeze’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Soir de Paris’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Tipsy Tangerine’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Wavelet’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

fb         Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pf         Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

b          Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Amethystinum’ (Snow azalea variety – pale lavender to white)

fb         Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – white – few blossoms)

pf         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – white)


fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (Kaempferi hybrid azalea coral-pink – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)


fb         Actaea pachypoda (Doll’s eyes – white)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pb        Halesia diptera (Two-winged silverbell – white)

pb        Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Phlox divaricata variety (Wild phlox – purple)

pb        Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

b/fbb    Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange, dark pink, light coral)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

pf         Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire berry – white)

fb         Weigela varieties (Weigela – pink, dark pink)


fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white to lavender)

b          Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – at Quarry stream)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – dark pink, red at Quarry stream)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron Dexter #35-D (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pale peach)

fb         Rhododendron Dexter #58 ‘Late Pink Hybrid’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron)

fbb       Rhododendron alabamense (Alabama Piedmont azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron alabamense x canescens (Alabama Piedmont azalea hybrid – white)

pf         Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont azalea – pale pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron speciosum x canescens (Native azalea hybrid – light pink)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Coleman’s Early Yellow’ (Native azalea variety – pale yellow)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron species (Native azalea – pale pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron species & varieties (Native azaleas – light orange to light golden yellow)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Styrax obassia (Fragrant snowbell – white)

fb         Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, pale lavender, purple)

pf         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Amsonia hubrichtii (Bluestar – pale blue – at bottom of meadow)

fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fbb       Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fb         Deutzia x candelabrum (Deutzia – white)

pf         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – off-white)

fbb       Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Fairy Bells’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – cerise)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Freedom’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral with dark red ‘blaze’)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Glamour’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron Glenn Dale hybrid (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red-orange)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Mary Frances Hohman’ (Kingsville hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Mrs. CC Miller’ (Gable hybrid azalea (double red-orange)

pf         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Picador’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Scout’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Wilhemina Vuyk’ (Vuyk hybrid azalea – white)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fb         Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Weigela florida (Weigela – white)


pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pb        Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white to lavender)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow)

fbb       Kalmia ‘Pink Cherry’ (Mountain laurel variety – bright red buds, dark pink flowers)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pb        Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink, bright pink with white)

fb,++   Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white)

fb         Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

b          Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

pb        Rhododendron minus (Piedmont rhododendron – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron species (Native azalea – bright pink)


fb         Abelia moanensis (Fragrant abelia – white)

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fb         Chionanthus virginicus (American fringe tree – white)

fb         Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white)

fbb       Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood – white)

fbb       Cotoneaster salicifolia (Willow-leaf cotoneaster – white)

fbb       Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel – pale pink to white)

b          Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Content’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

b          Rhododendron ‘Martha Hitchcock’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – purple edge with pink interior)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

b          Rosa ‘Bess Lovett’ (Large flowered climber rose – red)

fb         Styrax obassia (Fragrant snowbell – white)

fb         Syringa species (Lilac – pale lavender-pink, white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

pb        Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)

fbb       Weigela ‘Edith Rathke’ (Weigela variety – dark red)

b          Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Aesculus x carnea ‘Bristii’ (Red horse chestnut – salmon-pink)

fb         Bignonia capriolata (Cross vine – red outside, yellow inside)

pf         Cornus controversa (Giant dogwood – white – along Clenny Run)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – green)

fb         Iris pseudacorus (Yellow flag iris – yellow – in Clenny Run)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink – at corner of Cottage)

fb         Philadelphus species (Mock orange – white)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

pf         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

pb        Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)


fb         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown – at far edge of parking lot)

pb        Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)           

pf         Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid (‘Torch’ azalea hybrid – orange – at parking lot)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #47 ‘Late Mauve’ (Hybrid tree rhododendron – mauve – at parking lot entry)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Iris species (Iris – purple)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage – pale blue)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Potentilla canadensis (Dwarf cinquefoil – golden yellow)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rubus species (Brambles – white)

fb         Salvia lyrata (Sage –pale blue)

pb        Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report 19

Bloom Report #19

May 11, 2022
70 F, Partly Cloudy


Check these out:

  • Dove Tree:  Check the corner created by the back of the glass Soup Tureen corridor & the Library to see the fluttering white bracts of the rare Dove Tree, or Handkerchief Tree (Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana) in bloom.
  • Azaleas & Rhododendrons:  The azaleas and rhododendrons in Azalea Woods and the native azaleas in the Pinetum and on Oak Hill are at their best this week, accompanied by azaleas throughout the gardens.
  • Primroses:  The Quarry Garden is filled with a tapestry of red, pink, and white primroses (Primula species).
  • Mayapples:  The ‘umbrella’ leaves of mayapples (Podophyllum peltatum) appear throughout the gardens and estate.  They are listed only here as they are ubiquitous. Look for plants with a ‘double umbrella’ to find the white flowers hidden beneath.
  • Dogwoods and Doublefiles:  White or pink dogwoods (Cornus florida species & varieties) are in bud or in bloom throughout the Estate including the edge of Brown’s Woods.  They are mentioned only here.  The bright white of doublefile veburnums (Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum) continue the show of white as listed below and throughout the Estate.
  • Violets: Blue, blue & white, & yellow violets (Viola species) are blooming throughout the gardens and fields.  They are mentioned only here.
  • Everywhere: The tiny white-to-pale-pink daisies of fleabane (Erigeron annuus) are beginning to bloom throughout the estate.  They will become numerous as the season progresses.  They are listed only here.


fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

pf         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 (Rhododendron hybrid – light pink)

bf         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #34 (Rhododendron hybrid – rose pink)

pf         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense ‘Gables Special’ (Korean azalea – purple)


fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white, pink)

b          Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Orobanche uniflorum (tiny off-white trumpet rising from the ground)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

pf         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow – 2 plants)

fb         Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (American wisteria variety – lavender)


pb        Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

pf         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

ber       Petasites japonicus (Giant butterbur – small white ‘globes’ of seeds)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – red, pink, white – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Rhododendron ‘David Gable’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – rose-pink)

fb         Rhododendron Kurume #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light coral)

fb         Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxterbloom azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

fb         Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)


fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb,+     Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron #6 (Kurume hybrid azalea – apple-blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb,+     Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

fb,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Paeonia suffruticosa (Tree peony – wine red, bright red, pale pink, white)

b          Paeonia varieties (Peony – bright red, pink, bright pink, pale pink)

fb         Paeonia variety (Herbaceous peony – single white)

fb,+     Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron obtusum ‘Amoenum’ (Azalea variety – wine red)

pb        Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

pf         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

pf         Syringa vulgaris (Lilac – lilac)

fb         Weigela florida var. venusta (Weigela variety – pink)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb,+     Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Halesia diptera var. magniflora (Two-winged silverbell variety – white)

fb,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue, white, pink)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

b          Rhododendron #2 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron #5 (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron #09 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pale pink with rare red streak/flower)

fb         Rhododendron #10 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – salmon-pink)

pf         Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron #43 (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron #46 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light peach with white center)

fb         Rhododendron #48 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light salmon)

fb         Rhododendron 7-2-2 (Rhododendron – rosy pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Arnoldiana’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Charlestown’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Cherry Blossom’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron degronium (Rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Dexter’s Pink’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Goldfort’ (Rhododendron – 2hite)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hal Bruce’ (Rhododendron – palest pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinomayo’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – bright pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid #2380 ‘Good Salmon’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron vernicosum (Tree rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Winterset White’ (Rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #1 ‘Early Flesh Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #02 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #07 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 ‘Tan’ (Hybrid rhododendron – off-white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Hybrid rhododendron – red)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #18 (Hybrid rhododendron – apple blossom peach with yellow throat)

fbb       Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #54 ‘Good Pink’ (Rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #57 ‘Pale Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pale pink)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

pb        Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

pf         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum sieboldii (Siebold viburnum – white)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb         Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

b          Iris siberica ‘Perry’s Blue’ (Siberian iris variety – purple)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Addy Wherry’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Dark Mahogany’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark mahogany-red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘H.F. duPont’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Sherwood Red’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Trouper’ (Trouper Glenn Dale azalea – dark red)

fb         Scilla litardieri (Amethyst squill – light blue)

b          Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

pb        Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink)

pf         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Delaware Valley White’ (Southern Indian hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron minus variety carolinianum group (Dwarf rhododendron variety – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white – below Terrace wall)


fb         Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana (Dove tree variety – white)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Paeonia variety (Tree peony – pink)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


fb         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Fairy wings – lavender)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

fb         Hydrophyllum virginianum (Virginia waterleaf – white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, purple)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white, purple)

fb         Rhododendron #10 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Cherry Blossom’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron minus variety carolinianum group (Dwarf rhododendron variety – white)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy – golden yellow)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum sieboldii (Siebold viburnum – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white, pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue – at Museum entrance to walk)

pb        Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, purple)

fb         Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Saruma henryi (Upright wild ginger – light yellow – 1 flower)

pb        Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy – golden yellow)

pb        Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum sieboldii (Siebold viburnum – white)


fb         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’ (Saucer magnolia variety – rose)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink to white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron #05 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron carolinianum var. minus (Dwarf Carolina rhododendron – light pink to white)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fbb       Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire berry – white)

pf         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)


fb         Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Carol Kittel’ (Marsh Point azalea variety – double pale lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Madame Butterfly’ (Deerfield hybrid azalea – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Pallas’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – red with orange flame)

b          Rhododendron ‘Treasure’ (Ghent hybrid azalea – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white – few flowers)

pf         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – pink)

pb        Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – pink)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 1076 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum Gable hybrid #3 (Hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

pb        Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)


fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

pf         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

b          Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

b          Rhododendron kaempferi hybrids (Torch azalea hybrids – orange)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)


pf         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

fb         Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

b          Cotoneaster hupehensis (Hupeh cotoneaster – white)

pf,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

pf         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

pb        Halesia tetraptera (Carolina silverbell – white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pb        Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ (Japanese kerria variety – golden yellow)

pf         Malus ‘Tina’ (Flowering crabapple variety – white)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron 1064 (Azalea – double yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron 1069 (Azalea – yellow with red tinge)

fbb       Rhododendron 1073 (Azalea – medium orange)

fbb       Rhododendron 1074 (Azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron 1166 & 1167 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)

fb         Rhododendron 2981 (Azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron 2983 (Deciduous azalea – golden orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Ambrosia’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – dark red-orange)

b          Rhododendron atlanticum x austrinum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale orange)

fb         Rhododendron austrinum (Florida azalea – golden yellow with rose tinge)

b          Rhododendron ‘Blaau’s Pink’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fbb       Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame azalea – light orange with golden blaze)

fbb       Rhododendron calendulaceum ‘Tangelo’ (Flame azalea variety – orange)

b          Rhododendron canescens (Southern pinxterbloom azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron carolinianum #02 (Azalea hybrid – light lavender)

pb        Rhododendron carolinianum #03 (Azalea hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Charlotte Weiss’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Cluster’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Festive’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak/flower)

fbb       Rhododendron flammeum (Oconee azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron flammeum ‘Apricot Speciosum’ (Oconee azalea variety – apricot)

fbb       Rhododendron flammeum x canescens (Oconee azalea hybrid – pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Flower Queen’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – light coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Fujimanyo’ (Azalea variety – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Glacier’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Golden Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light orange with golden blaze)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hatsushima’ (Azalea variety – pink with burgundy speckles)

b          Rhododendron ‘Lemon Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Lullaby’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron luteum (Pontic azalea – yellow)

b          Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Mayflower’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Merritt #23 (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Millicent’ (Chisolm Merrit hybrid azalea – red)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Miss Lucy’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – pink with red blaze)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Miss Martha’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – light pink double)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Miss Susie’ (Azalea hybrid – bright pink)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Lilacina’ (Snow azalea variety – lavender)

fb         Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxterbloom azalea – pale pink to white)

b          Rhododendron prinophyllum hybrid (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

b          Rhododendron prinophyllum x periclymenoides (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Sea Breeze’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light yellow)

pb        Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Small 47-A’ (Hybrid azalea – red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Soir de Paris’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Tipsy Tangerine’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

b          Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

pb        Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Staphlea colchica (Colchis bladdernut – white)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’ (Viburnum variety – pale pink to white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

b          Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pf,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

pf         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

fb         Fothergilla major (Mountain witchalder – creamy white)

pb        Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pb        Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merril’ (Merril magnolia – white)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’ (Saucer magnolia variety – dark pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘San Jose’ (Saucer magnolia variety – pink)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Amethystinum’ (Snow azalea variety – pale lavender to white)

fb         Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – white – few blossoms)

pf         Syringa hyacinthiflora (Lilac species – lilac-pink – few flowers)

pf         Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, purple, white)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

pb        Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant snowball viburnum hybrid – white)

pb        Viburnum x juddii (Judd viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Xanthoceras sorbifolium (Yellow horn – white)


fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Springtime’ (Azalea variety – fuchsia – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)


pb        Ajuga species (Bugleweed – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Halesia diptera (Two-winged silverbell – white)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata variety (Wild phlox – purple)

b          Primula species (Primrose – ivory, red with yellow center)

fb         Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

fbb       Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire berry – white)

fbb       Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)

fb         Weigela varieties (Weigela – pink, dark pink)


fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – dark pink, red at Quarry stream)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron Dexter #35-D (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pale peach)

fb         Rhododendron Dexter #58 ‘Late Pink Hybrid’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Rhododendron alabamense x canescens (Alabama Piedmont azalea hybrid – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coleman’s Early Yellow’ (Native azalea variety – pale yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron species (Native azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron species & varieties (Native azaleas – light orange to light golden yellow)

fb         Syringa variety (Lilac – lilac)

pb        Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

pf         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Amsonia hubrichtii (Bluestar – pale blue – at bottom of meadow)

fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

fb         Magnolia acuminata (Cucumber tree – off-white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

b          Rhododendron ‘Glamour’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white)

b          Rhododendron ‘Mary Frances Hohman’ (Kingsville hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Picador’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Wilhemina Vuyk’ (Vuyk hybrid azalea – white)

fbb       Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s seal – ivory)

b          Spiraea cantoniensis (Reeve’s spiraea – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)

b          Weigela florida (Weigela – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pb        Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple, lavender, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink, bright pink with white)

fb,++   Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white)

fb         Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Allan’#589 (Wheeldon azalea – pale peach)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron minus (Piedmont rhododendron – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Viburnum prunifolium (Blackhaw viburnum – white)


fb         Abelia moanensis (Fragrant abelia – white)

fb         Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – red)

fb         Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fbb       Cotoneaster salicifolia (Willow-leaf cotoneaster – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

b          Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Snow azalea variety – soft lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

pf         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fbb       Styrax obassia (Fragrant snowbell – white)

fb         Syringa species (Lilac – pale lavender-pink)

pb        Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)p

pf         Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant viburnum hybrid – white)

fb         Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)

fbb       Weigela ‘Red Prince’ (Weigela variety – dark red)


fb         Aesculus x carnea ‘Bristii’ (Red horse chestnut – salmon-pink)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – apricot, pink, pink spotted)

pb        Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (Magnolia hybrid – pale yellow)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – dark pink – across Clenny Run)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink – at corner of Cottage)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink – in Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)


pf         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

pf         Narcissus ‘Baby Moon’ (Daffodil – yellow)

pf         Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red – 1 plant)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Guided Tours Are Back

Photo by Rob Cardillo.

Guided tours join the self-paced option, so visitors can experience Winterthur the way they like best.

“I really love the Baltimore Drawing Room,” says Reggie Lynch, associate director of interpretation and engagement. “It’s done in the Federal style, which I really love, personally. It’s really sunny and beautiful, and it’s a very intimate space.

“That’s what I feel going into it, the intimacy,” Lynch continues. “It’s like I want to sit there and have a cup of tea and read the newspaper or paint my watercolors.”

In her role at Winterthur, Lynch is a sort of guide to the guiding staff, helping to identify stories in the rooms and objects that bring Winterthur to life. One of her goals is for visitors to feel the same personal connection to Winterthur that she, the guides, and other staff feel.

The Baltimore Drawing Room.

For those who want that kind of intimacy from their Winterthur experience, guided tours have returned. The Introductory Tour is a guided walk through the main entertaining spaces of the fourth and fifth floors. Each guide provides his or her unique perspective on the rooms, the objects, and the lifestyle of Henry Francis and Ruth Wales du Pont. 

 A Closer Look is a one-hour guided tour that allows an even deeper dive into the stories of favorite objects and spaces. Each tour provides a different experience because the rooms and objects are chosen by Winterthur’s highly experienced interpreters.

The du Pont Dining Room.

For those who prefer to move at their own speed, self-paced tours of the house continue 10:00 am–1:00 pm every day. Guides are on hand to answer questions. Guided tours are available 1:00 pm–3:00 pm. In May, the Introductory Tour will change to Walking in the Footsteps of Jacqueline Kennedy with the opening of the exhibition Jacqueline Kennedy and Henry Francis du Pont: From Winterthur to the White House. The tour is a look at the spaces the First Lady explored during her visit to Winterthur while working on her historic restoration of the White House with H. F. du Pont, chair of her Fine Arts Committee. Self-paced and guided options are available.

“The house tour is always changing,” Lynch says. “Even if you think you’ve seen it before, you’re going see something new on every single tour.”

For more, explore all of our current tours.

My Perfect Day

Photo by Rob Cardillo.

By Ann Wagner, curator of decorative arts

As a lifelong museum visitor, one of the things I really appreciate about Winterthur is that during a visit, it’s very easy to move from inside to outside, to enter and reenter, to have time outdoors and time inside with all the extraordinary art from the past. At some museums, you have to commit to being inside their vast buildings without a chance to refresh your senses in nature. Winterthur has a great fluidity to it in that way.

My perfect day here would begin with the exhibitions because I enjoy being in the galleries during the quiet time of day–even though as a curator, I am pleased to see them crowded. I especially love Outside In: Nature-inspired Design at Winterthur. This exhibition is a collaboration with the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science. It is stimulating to see how these different collections can be integrated and appreciated with fresh eyes by two institutions that are across the street from each other.

The first sight that gets me is the little western meadowlark. I’ve never seen one alive, so I can’t help but imagine how incredibly bright and yellow its feathers were then. It’s a yellow that Henry Francis du Pont clearly loved. That color will stay in my imagination when I go back into the garden to listen for birds and think about the creature habitats on the grounds around the museum. Artistic imaginations are so inspired by our environment, and I am proud that Winterthur is working to protect the corner of Delaware that we are in.

After saturating myself with all the thoughts and lush visions encountered in the museum galleries, I would next take the tram or the shuttle back to the parking lot, pick up my picnic lunch from my car, then take a good stroll through the garden and landscape.

One of my favorite spots is Oak Hill. I love it not just for the views, but because it reminds me of a colleague who really treasured his time there, Bruno Pouliot. Bruno was one of our conservators, and I like to remember him using his lunch hour, in his wheelchair, to wheel strongly up that hill to just enjoy the vistas.

My afternoon adventure would first include a quick peek at my favorite objects in the Campbells Collection of Soup Tureens on my way back to the museum. These are such over-the-top dining vessels. I always have to say hello to the silver tureen with the boar handles (object 1996.0004.237 A). It’s not everyone’s taste, but I love the line and movement on the surface and the way the whole tureen undulates and reflects light. It’s such a dynamic design, it’s hard to believe it was hammered from silver.

I know the historic house pretty well but even I discover something new each time I am inside. So my next stop would be a house tour to explore that visual time capsule of America’s creative past. Finally, if I still had energy at end of the day, I would take a near-dusk stroll. The other day I saw the full moon rise over the train station. It was picture perfect.

120 Years of Daffodils

Photo by Rob Cardillo.

Since 1902, Narcissus have helped define the Winterthur Garden. Since March, they’ve been popping up like crazy.

Behold the daffodil.

They appear so commonly in gardens that we almost take them for granted; yet, there are 13 divisions, from large cup, small cup, and split cup to Triandrus, Cyclamineus, and Poeticus, to other species, wild variants, and wild hybrids, each with its unique and sometimes maddeningly subtle variations. They fascinated Winterthur founder Henry Francis du Pont throughout his long life, and for good reason.

“This one has a yellow cup with separate white petals making a very star-shaped appearance. There are some where the petals are a little bit wider but they’re still separate. There are still others where the petals overlap. And several cultivars subtly change color when in flower, so you have to watch them over time,” says Director of Horticulture Linda Eirhart. “I could see where that attention to detail, looking at that and enjoying seeing the differences, might have fascinated him because it really is fun to look at these and try to figure out, are they the same? Are they different?”

Daffodils so enthralled du Pont that he planted them in large drifts across his estate. Those big drifts still thrive in Browns Wood Meadow along what had been his golf course, at the edge of Azalea Woods, above the Quarry Garden, and on the March Bank, Sycamore Hill, Oak Hill, and along the entrance drive to the Visitor Center. In all, more than 500,000 bulbs blossom across Winterthur from late winter through April.

“The great pleasure in a bulb garden is in its permanency,” du Pont wrote in an article from 1915 about naturalizing Narcissi. In the article he notes that he laid out his first daffodil garden in 1902 on the lawn above what is now the museum. “Of the many gardens one can have, there is none which, once planned and planted, gives more satisfactory results with as little upkeep as that in which narcissi predominate,” he said. He so loved his daffodils that he revised the article in 1937 for The American Daffodil Year Book and again in 1961, when it appeared in the The Daffodil and Tulip Year Book 1961.

Many of the daffodils that blossom at Winterthur are historic cultivars from the late 1800s and early 1900s. For the past few years, Eirhart has been working to identify and document them, examining the petals, shapes, sizes, color, and even that subtle color change over the life of the blossom.

The distinctions can be so minute, du Pont did not mention certain cultivars in his articles because identifying them was so difficult. “Everybody has different likes in their flowers,” Eirhart says. “I’ve grown to love these older historic cultivars and the subtle differences between them.” Eirhart notes that they’ve become one of her favorite flowers and they herald a special time of year in the garden.

“When the daffodils are in flower, the cherries, the early azaleas, the magnolias, and the quince will also all be in bloom, so I automatically associate daffodils with all the wonderful trees and shrubs that are in flower too. It’s a beautiful time at Winterthur.”

Winterthur is one of the few places in the country where you can see so many daffodils. Find out for yourself while the daffodils are in bloom through April or enjoy daffodil-related events!

Winterthur Bloom Report 18

Bloom Report #18

May 3, 2022
71 F, Sunny

Azaleas and Bluebells are dazzling in Azalea Woods, Upper Peony Garden and sprinkled throughout the Garden.

Check these out:

  • Dove Tree:  Check the corner created by the back of the glass Soup Tureen corridor & the Library to see the fluttering white bracts of the rare Dove Tree, or Handkerchief Tree (Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana) in bloom.
  • Primroses:  The Quarry Garden is filled with a tapestry of red, pink, and white primroses (Primula species).
  • Mayapples:  The ‘umbrella’ leaves of mayapples (Podophyllum peltatum) appear throughout the gardens and estate.  They are listed only here as they are ubiquitous. Look for plants with a ‘double umbrella’ to find the white flowers hidden beneath.
  • Dogwoods and Doublefiles:  White or pink dogwoods (Cornus florida species & varieties) are in bud or in bloom throughout the Estate including the edge of Brown’s Woods.  They are mentioned only here.  The bright white of doublefile veburnums (Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum) continue the show of white as listed below and throughout the Estate.
  • Spring Beauties: The native spring beauties (Claytonia virginica) form a white carpet in the back meadow between Clenny Run and Clenny Run road, on the lawn sloping down to the Museum, along the walkway to Icewell Terrace, and on parts of Oak Hill.  Their small, star-shaped white to pale pink flowers can be found throughout the Estate.
  • Violets: Blue, blue & white, & yellow violets (Viola species) are blooming throughout the gardens and fields.  They are mentioned only here.


fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

pb        Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

b          Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 (Rhododendron hybrid – light pink)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #34 (Rhododendron hybrid – rose pink)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense ‘Gables Special’ (Korean azalea – purple)


fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)


pb        Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

b          Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

fb         Orobanche uniflorum (tiny off-white trumpet rising from the ground)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow – 1 plant)

b          Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (American wisteria variety – lavender)


pf         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Petasites japonicus (Giant butterbur – ivory-white)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – red, pink – along Garden Tram road)

fb         Rhododendron ‘David Gable’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – rose-pink)

b          Rhododendron Kurume #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light coral)

fbb       Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxterbloom azalea – pale pink to white)

b          Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow – along tram road)


pf         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – pink, white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)


fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

b,+       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb,+     Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron #6 (Kurume hybrid azalea – apple-blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)

pf         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb,+     Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

pf         Malus ‘Henry F. DuPont (Flowering crabapple variety – dark pink)

fb         Paeonia suffruticosa (Tree peony – wine red, bright red, pale pink)

fbb       Paeonia varieties (Peony – various colors)

fb         Paeonia variety (Herbaceous peony – single white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron obtusum ‘Amoenum’ (Azalea variety – wine red)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

fb         Syringa vulgaris (Lilac – lilac)

fb         Weigela florida var. venusta (Weigela variety – pink)


pf,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb,+     Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis f. alba (White flowering redbud – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Halesia diptera var. magniflora (Two-winged silverbell variety – white)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

fb,+     Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue, white, pink)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

pb        Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

b          Rhododendron #2 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

b          Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

b          Rhododendron #09 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pale pink with rare red streak/flower)

fb         Rhododendron #10 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

b          Rhododendron #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – salmon-pink)

fb         Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron #43 (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

b          Rhododendron #46 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light peach with white center)

fb         Rhododendron #48 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light salmon)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Arnoldiana’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry red)

b          Rhododendron ‘Charlestown’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Cherry Blossom’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cherry blossom pink)

fb         Rhododendron degronium (Rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Dexter’s Pink’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hal Bruce’ (Rhododendron – palest pink with yellow throat)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hinomayo’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – bright pink)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi hybrid #2380 ‘Good Salmon’ (Kaempferi hybrid azalea)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Torch’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Winterset White’ (Rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #1 ‘Early Flesh Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – light pink)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #02 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #07 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 ‘Tan’ (Hybrid rhododendron – off-white)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Hybrid rhododendron – red)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #18 (Hybrid rhododendron – apple blossom peach with yellow throat)

pf         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)

pf,+     Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf,+     Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb         Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

b          Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

b          Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – purple)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Addy Wherry’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

b          Rhododendron ‘H.F. duPont’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – dark red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘James Gable’ (Gable hybrid azalea – dark red)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Sherwood Red’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Trouper’ (Trouper Glenn Dale azalea – dark red)

fb         Scilla litardieri (Amethyst squill – light blue)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

pf         Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus variety (Daffodil – white )cluster

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Delaware Valley White’ (Southern Indian hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white – below Terrace wall)


fb         Cornus ‘Rutgan’ (Dogwood variety – light pink)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana (Dove tree variety – white)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Paeonia variety (Tree peony – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Winterthur’ (Azalea variety – lavender)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white, pink)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Fairy wings – lavender)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pb        Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue, purple)

fb         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red)

b          Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fbb       Rhododendron minus variety carolinianum group (Dwarf rhododendron variety – white)

pf         Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy – golden yellow)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

pf         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

b          Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflower – blue, white)

pf         Anemone ranunculoides (Buttercup windflower – yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

b          Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

b          Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s rocket – white)

pf         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

fb         Saruma henryi (Upright wild ginger – light yellow – 1 flower)

fb         Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy – golden yellow)

fbb       Thalictrum species (Meadow rue – white)

pf         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb,+     Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

b          Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

b          Viburnum sieboldii (Siebold viburnum – white)


fb         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

b          Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’ (Saucer magnolia variety – rose)

pf         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink to white)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pb        Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fbb       Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Syringa persica (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

pf         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


pf         Malus  x scheideckeri (Scheidecker flowering crabapple – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Carol Kittel’ (Marsh Point azalea variety – double pale lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Madame Butterfly’ (Deerfield hybrid azalea – white)


pb        Fritillaria meleagris (Checkered lily – white)

fb         Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white – few flowers)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – pink)

pf         Malus x ‘Zumi’ x calocarpa (Flowering crabapple hybrid – white)

pb        Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum Gable hybrid #3 (Hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)


pb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – purple, pink)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


pf         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

b          Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fbb       Cotoneaster hupehensis (Hupeh cotoneaster – white)

fb,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Erodium cicutarium (Cranesbill – pink)

++pf    Exochorda giraldii x wilsonii (Wilson pearlbush – white)

fb         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

pf         Halesia tetraptera (Carolina silverbell – white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pf         Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ (Japanese kerria variety – golden yellow)

fb         Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Malus sargentii (Sargent crabapple – pink buds, white flowers)

fb         Malus ‘Tina’ (Flowering crabapple variety – white)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron 1069 (Azalea – yellow with red tinge)

fbb       Rhododendron 1073 (Azalea – medium orange)

fbb       Rhododendron 1074 (Azalea – pink)

fbb       Rhododendron 1166 & 1167 (Kurume hybrid azalea – red)

fb         Rhododendron 2981 (Azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Ambrosia’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – dark red-orange)

b          Rhododendron atlanticum x austrinum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale orange)

fbb       Rhododendron austrinum (Florida azalea – golden yellow with rose tinge)

fbb       Rhododendron canescens (Southern pinxterbloom azalea – pink)

pb        Rhododendron carolinianum #02 (Azalea hybrid – light lavender)

pb        Rhododendron carolinianum #03 (Azalea hybrid – light pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Charlotte Weiss’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Coral Cluster’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

fbb       Rhododendron flammeum (Oconee azalea – light pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Fujimanyo’ (Azalea variety – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fb         Rhododendron luteum (Pontic azalea – yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Mayflower’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – pink)

fb         Rhododendron Merritt #23 (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Millicent’ (Chisolm Merrit hybrid azalea – red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Miss Lucy’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – pink with red blaze)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Miss Susie’ (Azalea hybrid – bright pink)  

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Small 47-A’ (Hybrid azalea – red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Soir de Paris’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Tipsy Tangerine’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

pb        Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

pf         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Staphlea colchica (Colchis bladdernut – white)

fb         Uvularia sessilifolia (Little merry bells – creamy yellow)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’ (Viburnum variety – pale pink to white)


pb        Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

b          Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

fb         Fothergilla major (Mountain witchalder – creamy white)

pf         Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pf         Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merril’ (Merril magnolia – white)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’ (Saucer magnolia variety – dark pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘San Jose’ (Saucer magnolia variety – pink)

pf         Malus ‘Adams’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

bf         Prunus glandulosa ‘Rosea’ (Dwarf flowering almond – pink)

pf         Prunus ‘Hally Jolivette’ (Cherry variety – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Chapman’s Wonder’ (Chapman’s Wonder azalea – rosy purple)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum (Snow azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Amethystinum’ (Snow azalea variety – pale lavender to white)

fbb       Rosa pimpinellifolia var. altaica (Scotch rose – white – few blossoms)

pb        Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

pf         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Syringa hyacinthiflora (Lilac species – lilac-pink – few flowers)

fb         Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, purple, white)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant snowball viburnum hybrid – white)

fb         Viburnum x juddii (Judd viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Xanthoceras sorbifolium (Yellow horn – white)


fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Springtime’ (Azalea variety – fuchsia – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)


fb         Ajuga species (Bugleweed – blue)

pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white, blue)

pf         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Cercis canadensis ‘Alba’ (Eastern redbud variety – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – dark pink, light pink, white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata variety (Wild phlox – purple)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – ivory, red with yellow center)

b          Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fbb       Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire berry – white)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fbb       Weigela variety (Weigela – pink)


fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – bright pink)

pf         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf,+     Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Orninithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – dark pink, red at Quarry stream)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

b          Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

b          Rhododendron alabamense x canescens (Alabama Piedmont azalea hybrid – white)

b          Rhododendron ‘Coleman’s Early Yellow’ (Native azalea variety – pale yellow)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

b          Rhododendron species (Native azalea – pale pink to white)

b          Rhododendron species & varieties (Native azaleas – light orange to light golden yellow)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

b          Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)


fb         Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

pf         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pf         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

b          Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb,+     Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pb        Uvularia grandiflora (Large-leaf bell wort – yellow)

pf         Vaccinium species (Blueberry – white)

b          Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)


fb         Allium zebdanense (Lebanon onion – white)

pf         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pb        Lysichiton americanus (Western skunk cabbage – yellowish)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

pb        Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink, bright pink with white)

fb,++   Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white)

b          Rhododendron #57 (Rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Allan’#589 (Wheeldon azalea – pale peach)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Rhododendron minus (Piedmont rhododendron – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum prunifolium (Blackhaw viburnum – white)


fbb       Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – dark rose-pink buds)

b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

pb        Forsythia ‘Winterthur’ (Forsythia variety – yellow)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Magnifica’ (Azalea variety – white with raspberry speckles)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

pf         Viburnum buddleiafolium (Wolly viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)

fb         Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant viburnum hybrid – white)

b          Viburnum setigerum (Tea viburnum – white)


fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – apricot, pink, pink spotted)

pb        Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (Magnolia hybrid – pale yellow)

pf         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – dark pink – across Clenny Run)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink – at corner of Cottage)

pf         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim – along Clenny Run)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Tulipa variety (Tulip – white – 1 flower)

fb         Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)


fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Narcissus ‘Baby Moon’ (Daffodil – yellow) 

fb         Papaver nudicaule (Poppy – orange)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

pf,+     Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Senescio aureus (Golden ragwort – golden yellow)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report 16

Bloom Report #16
April 20, 2022
58 F, Sunny

Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) surrounding Enchanted Woods

Check these out:

  • Trilliums:  Vast expanses of great white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) can be seen in parts of Azalea Woods, and individuals and colonies of them along with yellow trillium (Trillium luteum) and the dark red toadshade and wake-robin (Trillium sessile & Trillium erectum) can be found throughout the gardens.
  • Magnificent Entry:  The Wilson pearlbush (Exochorda giraldii x wilsonii) is creating a lovely white frame for the Latimeria Gate entrance to the Pinetum.
  • Sundial Garden and Quince Walk:  A flurry of flowers with the flowering quince (Chaenomeles cultivars) showing off in blazing red-orange, orange, red and cooler pale orange & white with a supporting cast of white spiraea (Spiraea x arguta & Spiraea prunifolium cultivars) and a carpet of pale blue starflower (Ipheion uniflorum).
  • An Ocean of Blue:  Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) are blooming throughout the gardens with great waves of them in parts of Azalea Woods, in the area of the koi ponds, in Enchanted Woods, on Oak Hill and the Quarry.  Italian windflowers (Anemone apennina) form a blue & white carpet extending throughout Azalea Woods, down the March Bank to the stream, & up the opposite bank into Icewell Terrace.  They accent other parts of the garden.
  • Spring Beauties: The native spring beauties (Claytonia virginica) form a white carpet on the lawn sloping down to the Museum and on parts of Oak Hill.  Their small, star-shaped white to pale pink flowers can be found throughout the Estate.
  • Violets: Blue, blue & white, & yellow violets (Viola species) are blooming throughout the gardens and fields.  They are mentioned only here.



fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white, pink)

pb        Corylopsis ‘Winterthur’ (Winterthur winter hazel – pale yellow)

pb        Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow)

fb         Malus ‘Louisa’ (Flowering crabapple variety – pink)

fb,+     Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

fbb       Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense ‘Gables Special’ (Korean azalea – purple)

fb,+     Sanguineria canadensis (Bloodroot – white – in sloping lawn west of Picnic House)


fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white, yellow – along Clenny Run)


fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

fbb       Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

b          Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pb        Pieris japonica (Andromeda – white, pink)

fbb       Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Petasites japonicus (Giant butterbur – ivory-white)

fbb       Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greelery’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

pb        Scilla mischtschenkoana (Squill – white with palest blue stripes)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – pink, white)

fb         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

fb         Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s breeches – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

b          Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

pb        Forsythia suspensa (Weeping forsythia – yellow)

pf         Forsythia viridissima (Greenstem forsythia – yellow)

pf         Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

pf         Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant honeysuckle – white)

fbb       Malus ‘Henry F. DuPont (Flowering crabapple variety – dark pink)

pf         Pieris japonica (Andromeda – white)

fbb       Rhododendron obtusum ‘Amoenum’ (Azalea variety – wine red)

fbb       Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

fb         Syringa vulgaris (Lilac – lilac)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis f. alba (White flowering redbud – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white)

fb         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

fb         Erythronium species (Trout lily – yellow)

pf         Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow – at field edge of woods)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

pf         Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica – white)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue, white, pink)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow)

b          Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fbb       Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

fb         Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fbb       Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Taurus’ (Rhododendron variety – bright red)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #1 ‘Early Flesh Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)

fb,+     Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb,+     Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Fragrant viburnum – pale pink to white – at field edge of woods)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fbb       Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fb         Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

fb         Rhododendron fargesii (Rhododendron – light pink)

b          Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

b          Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fbb       Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


fb         Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘ – pale pink)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Narcissus variety (Dwarf daffodil – yellow – at top of Glade below Terrace wall)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender – at top of Glade below Terrace wall)


pf,+     Helleborus ‘Brandywine’ (Lenten rose varieties – pink, wine, white)         

pb        Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant honeysuckle – white – along Garden Lane across from Bath House)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fbb       Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white, pink)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Caltha palustris (Marsh marigold – golden yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Corydalis cheilanthifolia (Fern leaf corydalis – yellow)

pf         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

fb         Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s breeches – white)

fb         Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Fairy wings – lavender)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Erythronium species (Trout lily – yellow)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

b          Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink)

b          Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red)

fbb       Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fbb       Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


fb,++   Anemone apennina (Italian windflower – blue, white)

fb,+     Anemone ranunculoides (Buttercup windflower – yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

fb         Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s breeches – white)

fb         Erythronium species (Trout lily – yellow)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fbb       Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

fbb       Thalictrum species (Meadow rue – white)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflower – blue, white)

fbb       Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

pf         Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s breeches – white)

fb         Erythronium species (Trout lily – yellow)

pf         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


pf         Prunus ‘Accolade’ (Flowering cherry hybrid – light pink)

pb        Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ (Autumn rosebud cherry – pale pink to white)

pb        Prunus tomentosa (Manchu cherry – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

pb        Viburnum farreri (Fragrant viburnum – pink to white)


fb         Cephalotaxus harringtonii var. ‘Drupacea Duke Gardens’ (Japanese plum yew – creamy yellow)

fb         Corydalis solida subspecies densiflora (Bulb corydalis – mauve)

pf         Corylopsis platypetala (Large flowered winter hazel – greenish yellow)

pf         Corysopsis species (Winter hazel – pale yellow)

pf         Corylopsis spicata (Spiked winter hazel – greenish yellow)

fb         Fritillaria meleagris (Checkered lily – burgundy red, white)

fb         Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white – few flowers)

pb        Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica – white)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – pink)

fb         Malus x ‘Zumi’ x calocarpa (Flowering crabapple hybrid – white)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pf         Primula abchasica (Primrose – cerise)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum Gable hybrid #3 (Hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

b          Dicentra eximia (Bleeding-heart – pink)

fb         Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica – white)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – purple, pink)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


fb         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

b          Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Exochorda giraldii x wilsonii (Wilson pearlbush – white)

b          Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

fbb       Halesia tetraptera (Carolina silverbell – white)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white, wine red)

fb,+     Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

fb         Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ (Japanese kerria variety – golden yellow)

fb         Malus halliana ‘Parkmanii’ (Flowering crabapple variety – pink)

fb         Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fbb       Malus sargentii (Sargent crabapple – pink buds, white flowers)

fb         Malus ‘Tina’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Malus x atrosanguinea (Flowering crabapple – red)

fb         Malus x ‘Cardinal’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Fujimanyo’ (Azalea variety – lavender-pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Miss Susie’ (Azalea hybrid – bright pink)

pb        Rhododendron mucronulatum ‘Cornell Pink’ (Korean rhododendron – pink)         

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii ‘Polly Hill’(Royal azalea variety – white)

pb        Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

fb         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pink to white)

b          Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’ (Viburnum variety – pale pink to white)


fb         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

fbb       Deitzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

b          Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

b          Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

b          Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

pb        Forsythia viridissima ‘Bronxensis’ (Greenstem forsythia – yellow)

b          Fothergilla major (Mountain witchalder – creamy white)

fb         Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pb        Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merril’ (Merril magnolia – white)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’ (Saucer magnolia variety – dark pink)

b          Magnolia x soulangeana ‘San Jose’ (Saucer magnolia variety – pink)

fb         Malus ‘Adams’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

fb         Prunus glandulosa ‘Rosea’ (Dwarf flowering almond – pink)

fb         Prunus ‘Hally Jolivette’ (Cherry variety)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

pb        Scilla siberica (Siberian squill variety – white)

fb         Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

fb         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Syringa hyacinthiflora (Lilac species – lilac-pink – few flowers)

b          Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, purple, white)

fbb       Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pale pink to white)

b          Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant snowball viburnum hybrid – white)

fb         Viburnum x juddii (Judd viburnum – pale pink to white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Springtime’ (Azalea variety – fuchsia – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)


b          Ajuga species (Bugleweed – blue)

fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white, blue)

fb         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Cercis canadensis ‘Alba’ (Eastern redbud variety – white)

pb        Chionodoxa forbesii (Glory-of-the-snow – lavender-blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – dark pink, light pink, white)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

b          Phlox divaricata variety (Wild phlox – purple)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – ivory, red with yellow center)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Alight’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white with purple)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white, blue)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb,+     Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus variety (Daffodil – bi-color)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

b          Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

OAK HILL-West Side

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Sanguineria canadensis (Bloodroot – white)

fb,+     Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflora (Large-leaf bell wort – yellow)

fb         Vaccinium species (Blueberry – white)


fb         Allium zebdanense (Lebanon onion – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Cornus florida (Dogwood – white)

b          Dicentra eximia (Bleeding-heart – pink)

fb,+     Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Lysichiton americanus (Western skunk cabbage – yellowish)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

pb        Narcissus jonquilla (Wild jonquil – yellow)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – white, yellow)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Pieris japonica (Andromeda – white)

fb         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink)

b          Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red – few plants)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Allan’#589 (Wheeldon azalea – pale peach)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


Acer palmatum ‘Seigai’ (Japanese maple variety – has showy peach colored leaves this week

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

pf         Forsythia ‘Winterthur’ (Forsythia variety – yellow)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

pb        Rhododendron mucronulatum (Korean rhododendron – rosy-lavender)

fb         Viburnum buddleiafolium (Wolly viburnum – dark pink buds, few flowers)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pale pink to white)

b          Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)

fb         Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum – white)


pf         Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow)

fb         Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – apricot, pink, pink spotted)

fb         Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (Magnolia hybrid – pale yellow)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink, white – along Clenny Run)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim – along Clenny Run)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow)

pf         Prunus species (Flowering cherry – white – across Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)


fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

pb        Narcissus ‘Beryl’ (Cyclamineus daffodil – white corolla, yellow cup)

pf         Narcissus ‘Hawera’ (Triandrus daffodil – yellow)

fb         Narcissus ‘Horace’ (Poeticus daffodil -white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Narcissus ‘Julia Jane’ (Daffodil – yellow)

pb        Narcissus ‘Oxford Gold’ (Daffodil variely – golden yellow ‘hoop skirt’ corolla)

pf         Narcissus ‘Picoblanco’ (Large cup daffodil – white)

fb         Narcissus ‘Toto’ (Miniature daffodil – yellow)

fb         Narcissus ‘Sweet Smiles’ (Jonquilla daffodil – yellow)

fb,+     Tulipa ‘Pink Impression’ (Tulip – pink)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

fb,++   Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Winterthur Bloom Report

Bloom Report #17
April 27, 2022
55 F, Partly Cloudy

Azaleas are getting ready to steal the Garden show! Visit Winterthur May 7th for Azalea and Bluebell Day to get a front row seat to watch the beauty begin to unfold.

Check these out:

  • Trilliums:  Vast expanses of great white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) can be seen in parts of Azalea Woods, and individuals and colonies of them along with yellow trillium (Trillium luteum) and the dark red toadshade and wake-robin (Trillium sessile & Trillium erectum) can be found throughout the gardens.
  • Magnificent Entry:  The Wilson pearlbush (Exochorda giraldii x wilsonii) is creating a lovely white frame for the Latimeria Gate entrance to the Pinetum.
  • Dogwoods:  White or pink dogwoods (Cornus florida species & varieties) are in bud or in bloom throughout the Estate including the edge of Brown’s Woods.  They are mentioned only here.
  • Spring Beauties: The native spring beauties (Claytonia virginica) form a white carpet on the lawn sloping down to the Museum, along the walkway to Icewell Terrace, and on parts of Oak Hill.  Their small, star-shaped white to pale pink flowers can be found throughout the Estate.
  • Violets: Blue, blue & white, & yellow violets (Viola species) are blooming throughout the gardens and fields.  They are mentioned only here.


fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pb        Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow)

fb         Malus ‘Louisa’ (Flowering crabapple variety – pink)

fb,+     Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Snow’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

b          Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense ‘Gables Special’ (Korean azalea – purple)


fb         Brassica species (Mustard – yellow)

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)


pf         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Dentaria laciniata (Cut-leaved toothwort – white)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

fbb       Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping leucothoe – white)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

b          Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #11 (Rhododendron – peachy-pink)

b          Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)


fb         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – white)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Petasites japonicus (Giant butterbur – ivory-white)

b          Primula species (Primrose – red, pink – along tram road)

fb         Rhododendron ‘David Gable’ (Gable hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fbb       Rhododendron Kurume #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fbb       Rhododnedron ‘Rose Greelery’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow – along tram road)


pf         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – pink, white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb,++   Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb,+     Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

b          Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

pf         Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant honeysuckle – white)

fb         Malus ‘Henry F. DuPont (Flowering crabapple variety – dark pink)

fb         Paeonia suffruticosa (Tree peony – wine red)

fbb       Paeonia varieties (Peony – various colors)

b          Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral-pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

b          Rhododendron obtusum ‘Amoenum’ (Azalea variety – red)burgundy-

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Syringa hybrids (Hybrid lilac – lilac)

fb         Syringa vulgaris (Lilac – lilac)

fbb       Weigela florida var. venusta (Weigela variety – pink)


pf,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis f. alba (White flowering redbud – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pb        Forsythia x intermedia (Border forsythia – yellow – at field edge of woods)

b          Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white)

b,+       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue, white, pink)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

b          Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

pf         Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron #2 (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fbb       Rhododendron #4 (Kurume hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

b          Rhododendron #09 (Kurume hybrid azalea – pale pink with rare red streak/flower)

b          Rhododendron #15 (Kurume hybrid azalea – salmon-pink)

b          Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

fbb       Rhododendron #46 (Kurume hybrid azalea – light peach with white center)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Charlestown’ Dexter (Tree rhododendron – red buds)

fb         Rhododendron degronium (Rhododendron – pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Dexter’s Pink’ (Dexter hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Hal Bruce’ (Rhododendron – palest pink with yellow throat)

b          Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – light pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Taurus’ (Rhododendron variety – bright red)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Winterset’ (Tree rhododendron – white)

fb         Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #1 ‘Early Flesh Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #07 ‘Early Pink’ (Hybrid rhododendron – pink)

fbb       Rhododendron Winterthur Dexter #10 ‘Tan’ (Hybrid tree rhododendron – off-white)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)

fb,+     Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf,+     Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

pf         Viburnum carlesii (Fragrant viburnum – pale pink to white – at field edge of woods)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white)

fbb       Camassia cusickii (Cusick camas – pale lavender blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Addy Wherry’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – dark red)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘H.F. duPont’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – dark red)

b          Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

b          Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

b          Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Double-file viburnum – white)


b          Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fb         Camellia japonica ‘April Remembered’ (Camellia cultivar ‘April Remembered‘– pale pink)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender – at top of Glade below Terrace wall)


pb        Helleborus ‘Brandywine’ (Lenten rose varieties – pink, wine, white)         

pb        Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant honeysuckle – white – along Garden Lane across from Bath House)


fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Clematis ‘Candida’ (Large-flowered clematis – white)

fb         Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fbb       Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriana (Dove tree variety – white)

fb         Erythronium species (Trout lily – yellow

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

b          Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

b          Paeonia variety (Tree peony – pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Coral Bells’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – coral)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fbb       Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – blue, white, pink)

fb         Anemonella thalictroides (Rue anemone – white)

pb        Caltha palustris (Marsh marigold – golden yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

b          Convallaris majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fb         Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Fairy wings – lavender)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb         Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff – white)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red)

b          Rhododendron kaempferi (Torch azalea – orange)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

b          Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflower – blue, white)

pf         Anemone ranunculoides (Buttercup windflower – yellow)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

pf         Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

fb,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

b          Polygonatum biflorum (Solomom’s seal – greenish-white)

b          Saruma henryi (Upright wild ginger – light yellow – 1 flower)

fbb       Thalictrum species (Meadow rue – white)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb,+     Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflower – blue, white)

fb         Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian bugloss – blue)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

b          Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’ (Saucer magnolia variety – deep rose-purple)

pf         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink to white)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fbb       Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

b          Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)pb          Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


fb         Malus  x scheideckeri (Scheidecker flowering crabapple – pale pink to white)

pf         Prunus ‘Accolade’ (Flowering cherry hybrid – light pink)

pb        Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ (Autumn rosebud cherry – pale pink to white)

pb        Prunus tomentosa (Manchu cherry – pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

pb        Viburnum farreri (Fragrant viburnum – pink to white)


pb        Corydalis solida subspecies densiflora (Bulb corydalis – mauve)

fb         Fritillaria meleagris (Checkered lily – burgundy red, white)

fb         Helleborus foetidis (Bear’s foot hellebore – greenish)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – pink, white – few flowers)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – pink)

fb         Malus x ‘Zumi’ x calocarpa (Flowering crabapple hybrid – white)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

pb        Primula abchasica (Primrose – cerise)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum Gable hybrid #3 (Hybrid azalea – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Keiskrak’ (Azalea variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Trillium erectum (Nodding trillium – dark red)


fb,+     Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue, white)

fb         Lathyrus vernus (Spring vetchling – purple, pink)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim)

b          Polemonium reptans (Jacob’s ladder – soft blue)

pf         Primula elatior (Oxlip primrose – pale yellow)

fb         Trillium luteum (Trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

pf         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


pf         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – red, orange, peach, white)

fbb       Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley – white)

fbb       Cotoneaster hupehensis (Hupeh cotoneaster – white)

fb,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Exochorda giraldii x wilsonii (Wilson pearlbush – white)

fb         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

fb         Halesia tetraptera (Carolina silverbell – white)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pf,+     Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

fb         Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ (Japanese kerria variety – golden yellow)

pf         Malus halliana ‘Parkmanii’ (Flowering crabapple variety – pink)

fb         Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Malus sargentii (Sargent crabapple – pink buds, white flowers)

pf         Malus ‘Tina’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

pf         Malus x atrosanguinea (Flowering crabapple – red)

pf         Malus x ‘Cardinal’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb,+     Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fb         Rhododendron 2981 (Azalea – orange)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Ambrosia’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – dark red-orange)

b          Rhododendron atlanticum x austrinum (Deciduous azalea hybrid – pale orange)

fbb       Rhododendron austrinum (Florida azalea – golden yellow with rose tinge)

fb         Rhododendron carolinianum #02 (Azalea hybrid – light lavender)

pf         Rhododendron carolinianum #03 (Azalea hybrid – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Charlotte Weiss’ (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – coral)

b          Rhododendron ‘Fujimanyo’ (Azalea variety – lavender-pink)

fb         Rhododendron luteum (Pontic azalea – yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – orange)

fb         Rhododendron Merritt #23 (Chisolm Merritt hybrid azalea – pink)

b          Rhododendron ‘Miss Lucy’ (Wheeldon hybrid azalea – pink with red blaze)

b          Rhododendron ‘Miss Susie’ (Azalea hybrid – bright pink)

pb        Rhododendron mucronulatum ‘Cornell Pink’ (Korean rhododendron – pink)         

fb         Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal azalea – pale pink to white)

pf         Rhododendron schlippenbachii ‘Polly Hill’ (Royal azalea variety – white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Soir de Paris’ (Deciduous azalea hybrid – light pink)

pb        Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

pf         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Staphlea colchica (Colchis bladdernut – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’ (Viburnum variety – pale pink to white)


fb         Chaenomeles cultivars (Flowering quince – orange, peach)

b          Deutzia gracilis (Slender deutzia – white)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

fb,+     Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Fairy wings – white)

fb         Exochorda macrantha ‘The Bride’ (Pearlbush variety – white)

fb         Fothergilla major (Mountain witchalder – creamy white)

pf         Ipheion uniflorum (Starflower – pale blue)

pf         Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merril’ (Merril magnolia – white)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink)

pb        Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’ (Saucer magnolia variety – dark pink)

b          Magnolia x soulangeana ‘San Jose’ (Saucer magnolia variety – pink)

pf         Malus ‘Adams’ (Flowering crabapple variety – red)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white)

fb         Prunus glandulosa ‘Rosea’ (Dwarf flowering almond – pink)

pf         Prunus ‘Hally Jolivette’ (Cherry variety – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Chapman’s Wonder’ (Chapman’s Wonder azalea – rosy purple)

pb        Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

pb        Spiraea x arguta (Garland spiraea – white)

pf         Spiraea prunifolia ‘Plena’ (Bridal wreath spiraea – double white)

fb         Syringa hyacinthiflora (Lilac species – lilac-pink – few flowers)

fb         Syringa varieties (Lilac – lilac, purple, white)

fb         Tiarella species (Foamflower – white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant snowball viburnum hybrid – white)

fb         Viburnum x juddii (Judd viburnum – pale pink to white)


fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Springtime’ (Azalea variety – fuchsia – on Icewell Terrace side of Garden Lane)


fb         Ajuga species (Bugleweed – blue)

pf         Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white, blue)

fb         Anemone nemorosa (European wood anemone – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Cercis canadensis ‘Alba’ (Eastern redbud variety – white)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

pb        Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten rose – dark pink, light pink, white)

fbb       Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Phlox divaricata variety (Wild phlox – purple)

fb         Primula species (Primrose – ivory, red with yellow center)

b          Rhododendron #16 ‘Small Single White’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white)

pf         Rhododendron ‘Alight’ (Glenn Dale hybrid azalea – white with purple)

b          Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

fbb       Weigela variety (Weigela – pink)


pb        Anemone apennina (Italian windflfower – white, blue)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender, bright pink)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf,+     Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake – white ‘bells’)

pf,+     Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pf         Narcissus variety (Daffodil – bi-color)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb         Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Primula species (Candelabra primrose – dark pink)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron alabamense x canescens (Alabama Piedmont azalea hybrid – white)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

b          Rhododendron species (Native azalea – pale pink to white)

fbb       Rhododendron #57 (Tree rhododendron – pink with yellow throat)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)

OAK HILL-West Side

b          Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit – green)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb,+     Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue)

pb        Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow)

fb         Ornithogalum nutans (Nodding star-of-Bethlehem – greenish-white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

fb           Poncirus trifoliata (Hardy Orange – white)

fb         Ranunculus acris (Buttercup – golden yellow)

fbb       Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont azalea – pale pink to white)

b          Rhododendron ‘Firefly’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – red-orange)

fb         Trillium grandiflorum (Great white trillium – white)

fb         Trillium luteum (Yellow trillium – yellow)

fb,+     Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflora (Large-leaf bell wort – yellow)

fb         Vaccinium species (Blueberry – white)


fb         Allium zebdanense (Lebanon onion – white)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

fb         Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty – white to pale pink)

fb         Dicentra eximia (Bleeding-heart – pink)

fb         Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (Fairy wings – soft yellow)

b          Geranium maculatum (Wild geranium – rose lavender)

fb         Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells – blue)

fb         Lysichiton americanus (Western skunk cabbage – yellowish)

ber       Mahonia bealei (Leatherleaf mahonia – green berries)

pf         Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells – blue, few pink)

fb         Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem – white)

fb         Phlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox – lavender-blue)

pf         Pieris japonica (Andromeda – white)

fb         Primula sieboldii (Japanese primrose – bright pink, bright pink with white)

b          Primula species (Candelabra primrose – red, pink, white)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Allan’#589 (Wheeldon azalea – pale peach)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Geisha’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – white with rare red streak)

b          Rhododendron ‘Hinode Giri’ (Kurume hybrid azalea – cerise)

fbb       Rhododendron minus (Piedmont rhododendron – light pink)

fbb       Rhododendron ‘Rose Greeley’ (Gable hybrid azalea – white)

fb         Trillium sessile (Toadshade – dark red)

fb         Uvularia grandiflorum (Great merry bells – yellow)


Acer palmatum ‘Seigai’ (Japanese maple variety – has showy peach colored leaves this week

fbb       Aesculus pavia (Red buckeye – dark rose-pink buds)

b          Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub – purplish-brown)

fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

pf         Forsythia ‘Winterthur’ (Forsythia variety – yellow)

fb         Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth – dark blue)

pf         Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

b          Rhododendron ‘Tall Gable Hybrid Azalea’ (Gable hybrid azalea – rosy purple)

fb         Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Korean azalea – purple)

fb         Viburnum buddleiafolium (Wolly viburnum – dark pink buds, few flowers)

fb         Viburnum carlesii (Mayflower viburnum – pale pink to white)

fb         Viburnum macrocephalum ‘Sterile’ (Snowball viburnum variety – greenish-white)

fbb       Viburnum plicatum forma tomentosum (Doublefile viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum rhytidophylloides (Leatherleaf viburnum – off-white)

fb         Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum – white)

fb         Viburnum x carlcephalum (Fragrant viburnum hybrid – white)


fb         Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud – pinkish lavender)

pf         Helleborus x hybridus ‘Pine Knot Select-Our Best’ (Hellebore varieties/Lenten Rose – apricot, pink, pink spotted)

fb         Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (Magnolia hybrid – pale yellow)

fb         Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia – pink, dark pink – along Clenny Run & at corners of Cottage)

fb         Narcissus poeticus (Poet’s daffodil – white with yellow cup and bright red rim – along Clenny Run)

fb         Rhododendron ‘Conewago’ (Conewago rhododendron – pinkish lavender)

fb         Tulipa variety (Tulip – white – 2 flowers)


b          Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish ‘bluebells’ – blue)

fb         Narcissus ‘Baby Moon’ (Daffodil – yellow) 

pf         Narcissus ‘Sweet Smiles’ (Jonquilla daffodil – yellow)

pf         Tulipa ‘Pink Impression’ (Tulip – pink, yellow)

BACK MEADOW – Top of Sycamore Hill to back ponds

fb         Narcissus species (Daffodil – white – along Clenny Run)

GARDEN LANE MEADOW – below Brown’s Woods

pf,+     Narcissus species (Daffodil – yellow, white)

Bloom Report presented by: Pauline Myers

Spring Forward

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, our shared reward after cold, shortened winter days. This is especially true at Winterthur, where the emerging blooms transform the landscape into a kaleidoscope of colors and a magnificent feast for the senses.

Beginning in March, the first early spring flowers awaken along the March Bank, which dazzles us with three phases of color—white, yellow, and blue. To walk along the March Bank during those still-chilly early spring days feels like a gift, a promise of what’s to come. As March gives way to April, the 500,000 blooming sunny daffodils, purposefully laid in clusters of various cultivars, begin to take over the landscape with their bright yellow and white blooms. Once those sunny beauties arrive, the crescendo begins, and we delight in one treasure after another, from the exploding color of Azalea Woods in mid- to late April to the rapture of the elegant Peony Garden in mid-May.

Come back all season long as different areas of the garden and estate come alive, demonstrating the resiliency of nature is at its finest.

Object of the Month: Flask

Flask (Pocket bottle)

As the morning sun spills through the east-facing windows of the Hall of Statues, you might catch a glimpse of this object casting a warm amber light. This mold-blown, house-shaped flask, made between 1860 and 1870 by the Whitney Glass Works, holds a spot on my Winterthur favorite objects list because it was made in my hometown of Glassboro, New Jersey. Made to house E. G. Booz’s Old Cabin Whiskey, the flask, to me, does not necessarily look like a cabin but instead a house that is remarkably similar to the small two-story glassworker houses that I can remember seeing in my youth. Those houses have mostly disappeared due to redevelopment. Here’s a fun fact. There is a tradition that these flasks helped popularize the word “booze” despite etymological evidence that the term has been in use since the 14th century, with the spelling we know today emerging in the 17th century.

Whitney Glass Works

Glassboro, New Jersey; 1860-1870

Glass (nonlead)

Gift of Mrs. Harry W. Lunger 1973.0424

By Paula L. DeStefano, registrar, Winterthur Museum