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April in the Sundial Garden

QuinceThe blossoms of flowering quince are a sure sign that Winterthur’s Sundial Garden is about to come into its own. In the Sundial Garden, April is like a fireworks show—light the fuse and stand back. This part of the Winterthur Garden was not designed to offer multiple seasons of interest; instead, it was created to look its best in April. With the warmth of the last couple of days, magnolia, quince, and spiraea have begun their display. Presiding over this colorful performance is one of Winterthur’s finest specimen trees, a large, cloud-like Magnolia called  ‘Wada’s Memory.’ Magnolia 'Wada's Memory'

Winter Hazels and Azaleas

winter hazel with Korean azalea One of the most spectacular plant combinations in the Winterthur Garden is near its peak; the Winter Hazel Walk is a collage in shades of purple and pale yellow. The Walk combines the butter yellow of winter hazel (Corylopsis spp.) with the pink to purple flowers of the Korean azalea (Rhododendron mucronulatum). Hellebores, evergreens, and shrubs like the cherry prinsepia (Prinsepia sinensis), play supporting roles. A visit in the morning or evening is a perfect time to enjoy the azaleas backlit against thousands of winter hazel blossoms. More information about the garden and a bloom calendar.

Faerie Cottage Re-thatching

Faerie Cottage Thatching I am pleased to announce that the Faerie Cottage in Enchanted Woods has been re-thatched. Our thatcher, William Cahill, spent several weeks replacing the mossy and worn roof on the cottage with fresh thatch. In the spirit of recycling and conservation, our new thatch roof uses phragmites, a common wetland grass found throughout the area that is considered by many to be a nuisance. Our phragmites roof should last much longer than a traditional reed thatch and uses a local weed that many consider fit only for the landfill.

White Arrows Return

White Arrows Spring has arrived in the Winterthur Garden. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the white arrows have come out of hibernation to direct guests through the garden for Spring Tour. The route starts at the Visitor Center, meanders through the garden highlighting weekly seasonal changes, and ends at the Dorrance Gallery by the Reflecting Pool. Come out to see some old favorite floral combinations and perhaps a few hidden treasures!