Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, our shared reward after cold, shortened winter days. This is especially true at Winterthur, where the emerging blooms transform the landscape into a kaleidoscope of colors and a magnificent feast for the senses.
Beginning in March, the first early spring flowers awaken along the March Bank, which dazzles us with three phases of color—white, yellow, and blue. To walk along the March Bank during those still-chilly early spring days feels like a gift, a promise of what’s to come. As March gives way to April, the 500,000 blooming sunny daffodils, purposefully laid in clusters of various cultivars, begin to take over the landscape with their bright yellow and white blooms. Once those sunny beauties arrive, the crescendo begins, and we delight in one treasure after another, from the exploding color of Azalea Woods in mid- to late April to the rapture of the elegant Peony Garden in mid-May.
Come back all season long as different areas of the garden and estate come alive, demonstrating the resiliency of nature is at its finest.